err, i tried a lot of different things, from altering the reg to using other ICS programs. From making my pc a proxy server. Changing the Modems Ip etc etc. Simply put they wouldn\'t work. I don\'t just go out a buy hardware when it doesn\'t work. I spent over 10 hours trying different software tricks to get it to work. That’s why I didn\'t want to use a router, it was the easy way out. We got one for free so we thought why keep screwing around when we can solve the problem right then and there. The router didn\'t support port forwarding so my brother bought another that did, and I’m personally not happy with DMZ mode. I didn\'t spend 1 cent at all to fix the problem we had.
I never said that I wouldn\'t get dropped speeds from overseas servers; I said I get FULL speed on overseas servers. If you\'re getting 1mbit + then I doubt it would drop past 512kbps with my connections.
DSL, Cable, Sat etc etc are all forms of Broadband. Wither they dial out first doesn’t matter. Your opinion on this doesn\'t matter. Your opinion is not fact.
Saying it has to be over 1mbit before its conceded broadband is so friggin lame it’s not funny. Its your ideal, not a fact.
Say I’m on a BB connection. But its under 1mbit, so that to you isn\'t broadband, but as soon as it goes over 1mbit it is.. Sorry dood, doesn’t work like that. BB is the signal that’s received / sent. Its that simple. Download speeds have nothing to do with it. You may be referring to what quality bb is, and i agree. Good BB is at a uncapped speed and download limit. But we all don\'t have that luxury.