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Author Topic: the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.  (Read 3262 times)

Offline juslight
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2004, 09:58:25 AM »
Is there a way for me to use my dial-up modem to download movies to my VCR, or to record songs to my portable Teddy Ruxbin?

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2004, 10:16:25 AM »
I pay 26 a month and am on a no-limit DSL.  Think I am like at 780k or something. Plenty fast for browsing and trading my beastiality/snuff videos.
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2004, 11:41:55 AM »
I pay 40 a month for cable and usually download at over 200kb/s.  I was on 56k for far too long, i\'ll never go back that\'s for sure.

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2004, 01:03:12 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
How does comcast = at&t?

At&t offers dsl comcast  offers cable modem. One is cable the other is telephone. Comcast is know setting up cable telephone service though:eek:

They merged with AT&T in control, so they are one company offering different services.  AT&T itself can\'t offer both cable and telephone after the Telecom Act.  Yea I\'m confused too.

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2004, 01:20:00 PM »
Originally posted by Capcom
That is utter bull. The phone companies could do the wiring if they chose to. The biggest issue is the distance from the main office.
Saying "physically not wired" was a poor choice of words on my part but I meant the same thing. The telephone infrastructure was not made with the internet in mind(let alone broadband connections) so it makes sense that many places would not be able to use it.

Originally posted by Capcom
If there was a demand to drop dial-up, and there was money in it. I am sure someone would bypass this limitation or do things such as the power lines. Though they may suffer the same distance limitations.

As a side note. There seems to be the thought that 256 or 512 is broadband. I agree it is better than 56k, but it is still not true broadband. IMHO that does not kick in until you have reached well over a meg.
Are you saying that there is no demand for broadband in places that do not have it? When there is a market for something but no supply, there is almost automatically a demand.

Companies are investing MILLIONS upon MILLIONS to improve broadband performance and coverage. That shows there is a market.

BTW, even if DSL was 10kbs, by definition,  it is still broadband.
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2004, 03:12:48 PM »
When I lived in Louisville I had 1.5 meg no cap (which just blows my mind if you are referring to max megs per month) for 35 a month. Instead of moving bandwith up at the same price. Instead people follow the companies train of thought that lower speeds is still broadband. Those that follow that thought probably are just a step up from a dial-up accelerator.

Those wanting to do alot of online games would do better with a good one meg plus download, and 512 is minimum if you want to host some.

I will overlook soul and his low speed. What servers are in australlia to dl porn off of. I would almost bet any dl he does comes from the civilized world and his speeds are gonna be slower anyways.

Countries that have embraced broadband have grown in ways we can only imagine.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2004, 03:16:22 PM by Capcom »

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #51 on: April 16, 2004, 03:14:29 PM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
Well, i\'m on a 512 plan, I download at about 60k a sec MAX depending on the server, wouldn\'t make any difference on my end if the server won\'t support my speeds.    Tad faster then 56k?  I was on 56k. I was lucky to get 5k a sec.   Seems mine is MUCH faster then 56k.  If i\'m not on BB, what am i on?  dialup? pity i don\'t dialup.    

Your idea of BB is anything under 1mbit is not BB. So what is it then?   Just because its capped, doesn\'t mean its not broadband.

PPOE dials up. Which is most dsl.

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2004, 07:58:44 AM »
I will overlook soul and his low speed. What servers are in australlia to dl porn off of. I would almost bet any dl he does comes from the civilized world and his speeds are gonna be slower anyways.

As many Aussie jokes as we have here, that may be one of the funniest and most original.

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2004, 11:16:05 PM »
Pity I download at my current speeds max most of the time.
Broadband can still be slow.  As a person with so much certification capcom, you should understand this more then anyone. But I guess in a country full of Ignorance, Arrogance and stereotypes in a neat little package. It’s a hard concept to fathom.  ;)
U also mean pppoe.

America Civilized.   lol "wipes tear from eye"  :)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 11:43:30 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2004, 11:24:12 PM »
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 11:38:27 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2004, 09:12:15 AM »
Naturally when you think of BB you think of superfast speed.
That is the main thing that attracted me  to get a faster connection. Having only 10-20x greater speed than my 56k would hardly be BB to me. Although technically it would be.
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2004, 09:36:23 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
Pity I download at my current speeds max most of the time.
Broadband can still be slow.  As a person with so much certification capcom, you should understand this more then anyone. But I guess in a country full of Ignorance, Arrogance and stereotypes in a neat little package. It’s a hard concept to fathom.  ;)
U also mean pppoe.

America Civilized.   lol "wipes tear from eye"  :)

Then why were you whining about servers supporting?

Thanks for the correction. I did not know that. Could never have been a typo....sheesh I especially love being corrected by someone that can\'t setup ICS with his big brother. Will bother to edit. It does not change the fact thatit essentially dial-ups which was my point to begin with.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2004, 09:45:16 AM by Capcom »

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2004, 11:16:35 AM »
u try setting up ICS with a modem that shares the same ip..  good luck champ :rolleyes:

Even if it dials out. The signal return isn\'t the same as a 56k modem etc. The return is a BroadBand signal.

and where did i bytch about servers. I simply said my speed changes depending on the server. Just as yours would.

Must be fun to put words into peoples mouths.. sigh..
« Last Edit: April 18, 2004, 11:29:25 AM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #58 on: April 18, 2004, 05:04:19 PM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
u try setting up ICS with a modem that shares the same ip..  good luck champ :rolleyes:

Even if it dials out. The signal return isn\'t the same as a 56k modem etc. The return is a BroadBand signal.

and where did i bytch about servers. I simply said my speed changes depending on the server. Just as yours would.

Must be fun to put words into peoples mouths.. sigh..

Soul you are the master of putting words into peoples mouth. Or better yet getting all technical in a forum that is suppose to be a bit fun.

So far as different speeds on different servers. Face it if you want to go to most any site it is going to be out of australlia. I can\'t verify it with a certainty, but my speeds tend to be slower on oversea servers. I would suspect it is because there are not as many routes to oversea\'s, and there being more limited bandwith to that server.

Now onto the dialing up of dsl. One is digital and one is analog. Who cares it is still a dial-up. If you do not have a router in between that dials for you. You have a dial-up connection in windows os.

Now onto the ICS. Hey braniac did you ever try using regmon and filemon to even see if you could manipulate it? If you could change it in the older versions. it would be my guess that you still could. That would take effort on your part though. Which you are not willing to do. If it is not in a book you are lost. It is the really real world, and if on customer premises you would have to figure it out. Which is probably why you are a hardware freak. If you were working the same place as I. Your hardware skills would not get you much further than the janitor cleaning the toilet. Yes I do look down on hardware freaks that do that and that only for a job. Replace this with that. A monkey can do thqat job.

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the double oo might be getting Broadband soon.
« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2004, 09:30:33 PM »
err, i tried a lot of different things, from altering the reg to using other ICS programs.  From making my pc a proxy server. Changing the Modems Ip etc etc. Simply put they wouldn\'t work.  I don\'t just go out a buy hardware when it doesn\'t work. I spent over 10 hours trying different software tricks to get it to work.  That’s why I didn\'t want to use a router, it was the easy way out.  We got one for free so we thought why keep screwing around when we can solve the problem right then and there.  The router didn\'t support port forwarding so my brother bought another that did, and I’m personally not happy with DMZ mode. I didn\'t spend 1 cent at all to fix the problem we had.

I never said that I wouldn\'t get dropped speeds from overseas servers; I said I get FULL speed on overseas servers.  If you\'re getting 1mbit + then I doubt it would drop past 512kbps with my connections.

DSL, Cable, Sat etc etc are all forms of Broadband. Wither they dial out first doesn’t matter. Your opinion on this doesn\'t matter. Your opinion is not fact.  

Saying it has to be over 1mbit before its conceded broadband is so friggin lame it’s not funny. Its your ideal, not a fact.
Say I’m on a BB connection. But its under 1mbit, so that to you isn\'t broadband, but as soon as it goes over 1mbit it is.. Sorry dood, doesn’t work like that.  BB is the signal that’s received / sent.  Its that simple.  Download speeds have nothing to do with it.  You may be referring to what quality bb is, and i agree. Good BB is at a uncapped speed and download limit. But we all don\'t have that luxury.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2004, 02:20:10 AM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  


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