Also, please don\'t tell me what i\'ve tried and what type of person i am. You don\'t know me, I\'ll give anything my best go untill it either works or i\'m out of ideas. (then i\'ll ask for help) Which i did, you didn\'t seem to help much either, I guess its easier said then done huh champ. A bench tech doesn\'t just swap this with that, any monkey with half a brain would know that.
Well, to be honest in some places they do. Kinda lame really. Just building pcs all day argh. Being the type of person i am, i wouldn\'t work with a company like that. Most places require you to have a certificate of some sort, normally A+ just to get work.
Having no respect or looking down as you put it, on someone because of the job they do is quite sad imo. I don\'t have any respect for people like that. Judgmental morons that probably miss out on a lot of good friends because they\'re got their head so far up their own asses. Aka snobs.
But I guess like u said in another forum. You’re the type of person that can take help from anyone and be thankful for it. So i guess that means your ok.. Right?
The I wouldn\'t know how to fix it if it wasn’t in a book remark is lame. When you\'re the one with how many certificates again? How many books did u have to buy and read to get them huh? Even if i did use books to fix my problems, who cares.
You have to learn from somewhere, but If its one thing, i\'m the least likely person to look it up in a book. I wonder how much of your skills came from books.
I play around with my pcs all the time, i prefer to teach myself rather then learn out of a book.
ohh and I spent 3 years as a pc tech on and off site.. so bite me
We could go at this all day, but its not gonna get us anyware. Lets agree to disagree.