Originally posted by Bladez
Are you hating people cause they\'re saying all this stuff about weed? It\'s not like anybody is putting a bong in front of you and telling you to smoke are they?
You know what I really didn\'t want to bring this up but here it goes.
A friend of mine from middle school, where my friends and I first got high, continued to smoke Marijuana. I personally stopped because of sports and other more interested things. Just two months ago he died from an overdose of heroin. An overdose of heroin. Heroin. Two weeks ago I talked to his girlfriend that he\'s been dating since middle school. She told me that during freshman year in high school he began to smoke it alot more. That he really couln\'t do anything without it. And contrary to the claim that marijuana doesn\'t lead to other drugs, you are wrong. You know the reason why he tried heroin for the first time? Exactly what Eiksirf said, he wanted to try something that would dope him even more.
Sad thing is, his girlfriend is becoming a chronic smoker also, and you know how she responded to all this?
I quote:
"I\'ll quit when it seems like I\'m beginning to be like him, besides he just let himself get too into weed"
"Too into weed" Yeah and she smokes everyday...
Don\'t pull all your nuts in one basket. The whole "MJ isn\'t dangerous like all those experts and people who have suffered because of it have led you to believe" is bullcrap. I wouln\'t be surprised if some whack drug dealer in Columbia is laughing at the stupid American boys who decide to make him richer. Good thing huh guys? Maybe that way he can afford to buy those 100 pounds of cocain to distribute in the States also. That way all those cocain addicts can bitch about how cocain isn\'t dangerous and ignore all the facts.
Marijuana has never been as glorified as it is today. And you know why? B/c stupid, very stupid, high school, middle school, college, and middle age people think that it\'s ok for them to get doped once in a while. Nothing will ever happen right? I mean what harm can come from smoking a little pot? Ask that to the people who "smoked a little" then "shot a little" then "sniffed a little" and now are dead.