Originally posted by mm
physically addicted to alcohol?
mm please tell me how you can become physically addicted to alcohol.
I don\'t have an addiction to weed at all. As a matter of fact I\'m getting tired of being so damn paranoid all the time. I will say this tho\', for me, when I\'m driving stoned I think I\'m actually a better driver. Both of my hands are on the steering wheel, music is turned down low, eyes are wide open and I\'m actually doing the speed limit. I driver better stoned then when I\'m sober. I know that sounds far fetched and will probably be rediculed but it\'s true. I\'m very cautious when I drive stoned, I don\'t like loud music or a lot of people talking when driving. I like weed cause when I smoke I can sleep a lot better cause I\'m so tired(after stoned for the weed heads). When I smoke my night usually consists of coming home, shower, munch, and watch a movie like Fight Club, Blow, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, ect. then I go to sleep.