Originally posted by PS2_-\'_\'-_PS2
do these updates not get posted directly from Bungie?
Yeah, they do. Frankie, who is part of the Bungie Community Team, posts them at various HALO-related fansites/forums every week. It\'s the same way Matt Soell did his weekly updates for the first game.
Originally posted by ooseven
After all there weekly updates...will there be anything to suprise us come november ?
/me wouldn\'t be shocked if a week before launch bungie release a AVI or Quicktime movie of the ending of HALO2.
... Are you reading them, ooseven? These updates aren\'t telling us much of anything about HALO 2\'s story, or much of the gameplay elements that haven\'t already been revealed through the two E3 videos. He may throw out a hint every now and then(like the mention of a new Covenant vehicle that holds at least 2 people, a driver and a gunner), but those are far and few between...
These are progress/development updates, but they tell don\'t tell us too much about the final product, my friend.