Couple days ago I did BCNM 40 (Steamed Sprouts in Giddeus)
Someone was shouting in Jeuno for members, I got in.
We died the first 3 times, and I almost didn\'t go back for the fourth (and final.. no one had more orbs)
We had agreed that the RDM (me) would get "Phalanx" if it dropped.
We WON on the 4th time-- and Phalanx was in the booty
I got phalanx and the others split the rest up.
I used the scroll.
It is AWESOME for solo/farming EP\'s and DC\'s.
Being as it goes for from 150-200k I\'m soooo glad I got it.
I only lost 1600 exp, instead of 2250(Tnl exp was 7500) because I had Moghancement EXP in my Mog House- It was worth it
I\'m now 1k from lvl 48 ^^