My gf\'s dad was over there, and well he\'s had to kill a few people in his time. And everyone thats giving all this information on how the Iraqi\'s are being treated badly, please stop the bullshit. They do the same to us if they got a hold of one of us, except like it was said eventually we\'d end up dead, because the people over there fighting for Iraq are mostly terrorists now.
IMO that country can burn in hell, we\'ve done everything to try and help those people out and then we get rid of Sadaam and they are like get the f\'n hell out.
On another note, if a kid was holding a grenade in one hand and a gun in another and it was you or him I wouldn\'t think twice, war\'s war, and if you are 5 or 65 it doesn\'t matter. Of course I would feel bad later, but I\'d still take my life over the enemies.