I can almost assure you that 80% of all the citizens in that country wouldn\'t think twice about shooting an American.
.... that is a very very big assumption. Especially since there are Americans there, and most of the Iraqis don\'t seem to be shooting at them.
When the US makes Iraqi prisoners get all naked and freaky with them bad selfs, its the worst thing ever.
The US has A LOTTTTT more responsibility then Iraqi terrorists. We are one of the most powerful countries in the world, if we invade someone and then these types of pictures come out, of course it will look bad. Especially since we are FREEING them from that kind of torture.
To say you don\'t support the army / marines as people and their conduct is blaently stateing your one of them.
I do not support anyone who tortures people, sorry. I never said that the whole army tortures people, but obviously, some do. And those people, are just as "Bad" or "Evil" as anyone else. (I consider anyone who forces another human to strip naked and wear a leash while two german sheapards are held a foot away from his manhood to be on the same level with every other psychopath out there, even if the man IS a criminal. )
Just pisses me off seeing a bunch of ******s who don\'t deserve to live in this country still holding up signs like, America is stupid, Take out troops out, We are gay with each other.
What? where the hell did "Gay" come into this topic? And anyone can live here if they want, even if they disagree with America. I was born here and i want to live here, I like the people and the cities, but i still would like to change some aspects of our society and government. If you think thats "Wrong" oh well, too bad for you.