I saw the video of it, and I\'m going to post here, my vies of it, just like I have on all the other forums.
[QOUTE]What the US troops did (in relation to mistreatment) to the Iraqi prisoners was unforgivable, and as such, should be dealt with. I have no doubt that under our christian democratic approach to acts that relate to religeous mistreating, they will be brought to justice.
However, as far as the other side of the coin is concerned, I feel compelled to say that the same outcome is highly unlikely. I can\'t help but get the feeling that they will simply melt away into the hills.
The beheading of a US CIVILIAN was absolutely preposterous.
The person who was caught up in this, was nothing more than a regular god fearing guy, who happened to be in Iraq, not for combative reasons, but for the purpose of rebuilding the inner structure of the country.
What I am going to say now, comes from the heart, so if you don\'t agree, I reserve the right not to apologise.
I was sent the video of the execution in an email by a friend who shares the same view as I do, and for the first 2 days of being in possesion of it, I found myself in a position of "should I, or should I not" look at it.
In the end and after much deep thought, I decided to watch it, I was only able to come to one conclusion, the act that was commited in that clip, was in breach of all religeous belief, be it christian,, muslim, judaism, or any other I care to mention.
I have no doubt whatsoever, that those on the allies side that are deemed to have committed an act against the most basic of human rights, will be brought to justice. I can\'t share the same optimism when relating to the members of the Islam faith that either comitted/carried out or supported this barbaric act.
As far as I\'m concerned, and after seeing the video in full, it has only served to strengthen my view that what we (as christians (and I apologise if any none-christian denominations are offended by my comments)) are right in the course of action we have taken.
George Bush & Tony Blair will always get my vote on this.
Like I said, I apologise if my words upset any none-christian members of these forums, but I\'ve seen the video in full, and it contravenes every section of the human rightss bill.
May God have pity on the persons guilty of taking an innocent civillian life, and may he grant eternal peace to the soul who\'s life was taken from him in such a cruel way. [/QUOTE]