I playied a demo of the game today.Actually I am impressed
Graphics are certaintly a lot better than SH2 now that I ve actually tried the game.Not as good as SH3 but still very nice.But it has some very cool looking effects that werent present in such a degree or in such way in SH3
Also it\'s way too twisted.And its just the beginning of the story.Very interesting.It absorbs you.Its very interesting.You get the chance to return to his room in some areas and sometimes you get to find small differences in his appartment like something that is written on the wall that wasnt before etc.
You explore both his room (in first person mode) and the "other world" and both are very interesting.But especially his room.
The game so far still doesnt seem as sinister as previously IMO.But its still nice from what I ve playied.But thats just the beginning.
The new "dog monsters" suck IMO btw though.The good think is that they are way too fast but their looks sucks.And so teh sound they make.They sound like panthers.I didnt finish the demo yet.Its harder than the other games.I didnt find any health drinks at all.I had to return to the appartment to gain health and you get to return to your room only in some areas of the twisted world.