Originally posted by luckee
Problem is now, unless a hugh stash is found, it can be said in his trial that said chemicals/weapons arent his and were brought into the country by the insurgents.
WMD\'s are the least of his worries if he is being tried by his own people.
Also, before anyone gets the idea that I made a stereotypical comment on Arabs... I would like to validate it by referring to this quote:
Excerpted from the book:
A Key Source to Understanding Arab Politics
And the Arab-Israeli Conflict
ACPR Publishers, 2003
"This is a culture where rumors are an integral part of social activity, and they quickly become absolute truth that cannot be challenged. It has to do with exaggerations, flights of fancy, and especially, in a society that believes in conspiracies, a society wherein every date is important, that remembers everything and forgives nothing. This is a society wherein the lie is an essential component of behavior patterns, and lying is endorsed by religious sages. The famous Muslim theologian, al-Ghazzali, claimed that the lie is not wrong in itself. If the lie is the way to achieve good results, then it is permissible. It is necessary to lie when the truth might lead to unpleasant or undesired results. This is a society in which looking someone straight in the eye is forbidden, since it constitutes a challenge; there is also, for example, the prohibition to use the left hand, the dirty hand. Body language, like the manner of walking and the way of sitting, is very prominent. Indeed, the Arab personality is very diffuse from the structural and stratification standpoint."