So they have proof he was shocking peoples balls? Remember the prison? Alot was sealed from the American public if memory serves me right. If you want to hold Sadam for every wrongdoing in that country. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Could very well be wrong, but in the part of the world IRAQ is in. It would seem like a suicidal idea to say we have no weapons. When we pull out then they would be open for invasion from another country nearby.
I am not saying he is good guy. He is more than likely a very bad person. It does not make sense to invade a country that was crippled. GW wanted a way in, and 911 gave it to him. Wether there was a connection or not. He was going in because he is paranoid. Sure Sadam did not care for the US, but then again the US hates him. I would almost bet that most of you would pay to see him executed. It does not make sense to me.
So far as ordering the deaths of civilians. I am quite sure I remember news of smart bombs hitting civilian dwellings. Or if you want to go back further in history the bombings of hiroshima or nagasaki.
Originally posted by Titan
Bush isn\'t going around ordering the gassing of innocent men, women and children. Bush isn\'t shocking the balls of people he feel are against him (there will be a lot of people with fish that don\'t swim upstream if this were true). Bush only invaded a country whose leaders continueously broke international treaties which were punishable by invasion and was the only leader (besides Britain) with the balls to follow through with the consequences against Iraq for breaking the treaties and crimes against humanity.