I disagree, when you say that the comic book craze is simply because the movie studio\'s ran out of idea\'s, you are dismissing the fact that comic book characters, superhero\'s have been a part of American history and culture. Most kid\'s grow up idolizing these characters and the chance to see them on the big screen is gurantee\'d big bucks.. Now take in the fact that these characters have 40 + years of backstories and villians, it makes it extremely easy for the studio\'s to make the characters into a profitable movie franchise.
You have to look beyond the current craze and look back to the serials, where Captain American, Shazam and Batman was famous. Look back to the old TV series where Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and other\'s ruled. And look at the massive amounts of different cartoons based off these characters. While Hollywood may put out some un-inspired movie\'s, this craze is nothing new. It\'s just taking the next step, it\'s moving from the small screen to the big screen and the people are happy to have a chance to see their favorite hero\'s doing the right thing on the big screen.