The bitter attacks on Michael Moore only prove how much conservatives see him as a threat. Many of the theories he suggests have the ring of truth, or at least they seem plausible. No one can deny that. They ARE plausible. Maybe some of the most frightening conclusions will be proven and understood by the majority of the public, though there will always be conservatives with a limitless capacity for denial.
To forestall such an outcome, it\'s most expedient to tear the guy down and call him names in advance. Politicans and TV personalities rip him up without having seen his movies or read his books. I think some believe this will discredit him, and that discredit will carry over to the theories and conclusions he has offered. Any attack you can think of, throw it at him. Maybe something will stick...
To me, the most disturbing part of this is when someone tells ME something like "You damage your credibility by associating yourself with Michael Moore..." Nonsense. It\'s like some rudimentary attempt at behavior conditioning. "You don\'t want to see a Michael Moore film because then people will think you\'re as much a nutcase as he is..." Hah ha ha. The only problem is that it\'s too late for that. F9/11 is already a hugely successful film, millions have seen it, and you can\'t put the genie back in the bottle. You can\'t tell people what to think, and you can\'t change reality by pissing on the messenger.