The domestic agenga will come tonight ooseven, when Bush lays out his plans for the next 4 years. Education has already been brought up - though the platform is focusing on national security. Also, for those who don\'t know - the unemployment rate is exactly the same as it was during Clinton\'s reelection. This whole hysteria over the economy is being falsely created to divert attention away from Kerry\'s weakness - national security.
I really liked "Give em hell" Zell Miller\'s fire and brimstone speech last night - maybe that is because I lived in Georgia when he was Governor. Then again I liked his speech back in 1992 for Clinton. Cheney had one or two bright moments, but he is a pretty dull speaker. I also think he had very valid point in that "his party" is not the same party that is was 12 years ago. It really is a shame the Kerry is the best the Democrats have - as even I would vote for a moderate Democrat with a backbone, unfortunately Kerry and his what\'s that kids name? Oh yeah Edwards don\'t have one. BTW does anyone pay attention to anything Edwards says? I almost feel that when Bush/Cheney and Kerry/Edwards are trading barbs - its like "be quiet and let the adults talk sort of thing."
I thought the RNC did a great job in pointing out the differences between GWB and Kerry. One of Cheney\'s best lines of the night was "Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas. It makes the whole thing mutual. America sees two John Kerrys."
The more this race goes on the more I see Bush winning it. Depending on tonights speech I think Bush could come out this convention with a sizable lead.