Give me a break. That arguement is pathetic. Why you ask? Because , the basic argument concerns this../
(1) There is no good music.
(2) The record companies and artist make to much money to begin with.
(3) You can\'t find the good music at Best Buy.
Alright,let\'s tackle this one at a time.
(1) No good music? That\'s subjective and you can not tell me that is the reason you download music off the internet. Admit it, you steal it because you are a cheap bastard.
(2) You said the good music (rare) can\'t be found at Best Buy. Right, it can\'t. However, I know for a fact it can be found online or a lot of times at a local record store. Either way - if it\'s good music, shouldn\'t you be a good consumer and pay that good artist? Or is that to much to ask?