Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
Most the people who think it is cool to hate bush arn\'t old enough to vote, so stop worrying.
Anyways, I doubt kerry will win. To win, he\'d have to make major headlines during the debates.
That my friend is a lack of knowledge. I\'m in college, everyone here is old enough to vote, and there is a pretty big anti-Bush contingency.
Let me lay out the situation.
Up until the late years of Clinton\'s presidency, I hadn\'t given a damn about politics. But since Bush took office my Dad has gotten laid off, two of my friends are fighting a war that we shouldn\'t be in, and 86.5 billion dollars could have gone into domestic issues like education instead being wasted over seas.
Listen, I know we are the most powerful country in the world, but we don\'t have to police the world, think about it, why do you think other countries hate us in the first place? We should help the countries in need, and avoid war at all cost. Bush has decided to make America seem like the most conceited group of people in the world. He totally screwed the United Nations, kinda like he told them "we don\'t need you anyway."
I was not always Anti-Bush, in fact I gave him every opportunity to prove me wrong, but he keeps spending money like we have unlimited resources.
Look, I\'m was not a big Clinton fan, in fact I disliked the man, but scandal aside, there was stability in our country, something we lack now.
In my lifetime, none of our past 3 presidents have done anything that will make them memorable. To my knowledge Reagan was probably the best we had in recent history.
Bash me all you want, that\'s how I feel. Our political system sucks. They preach democracy, but they don\'t live by it.