:eek: Whoa ! I finally took some time to read this massive thread.
Speaking for myself ; I\'m 26 now and I do not feel the current state of gaming to be depressing. It depends imo alot on what kind of a gamer you are in general. Each new generation of games will feature trends towards certain aspects of gaming.
Gamers who got hooked and \'stuck\' on one of these aspects which isn\'t dominant anymore in the succesive generation of games will hate the new change.
They forget however that it is a cumulative thing ; like the cinematic influence : it didn\'t destroy gaming, it only adds to the list of aspects of gaming. it doesn\'t destroy what was already there. it\'s an enrichment.
For example ; some ppl totally mix up the "cinematic influence in games" with "games based on movie franchises". Then they go say games got destroyed by cinematics in games...oh please...
These are 2 totally different things. The games which feature a deep visual storyline are an enrichment to gaming in general. It\'s movie franchised games which feature some superficial looks and characters from a movie all copy n pasted on some ripped off gameplay template ; it\'s THOSE games which harm gaming. It\'s exactly those franchise games which fail to feature any of the nice storyline of the movie it\'s tied into, IF at all it had a good one.
If ppl think simple games with zero complex storylines are the way it should be and Sony and MS are evil, then they must probably LOVE Eye Toy games then eh ? ; Cuz these feature nil story and have addictive skillbased easy to get into gameplay.
Really, gaming hasn\'t got worse. All what WAS good IS still in there ; it\'s just that the whole spectrum has broadened ALOT.
Don\'t let yourself fooled that some past era, with it\'s own dominant aspects of gaming which you like is THE best and that any deviation from that is something worse. That is imo getting yourself into a conservative modus which doesn\'t help you nor gaming in general.
If you absolutely think the new games suck and only the old generations are good ; then you should stop right here and vowe to NEVER play a new game anymore. Go and cement your mindset more and more into conservatism and fool yourself you have a great time playing those \'oldies\' over and over.
Right now, the current generation of console gaming is running on it\'s last legs ; that\'s why the sour ones are extra sour now. I\'ll bet they\'ll be up at the front when the new generation hype ensues.
I myself haven;t been gaming as much as i used to lately, however i CAN still have a good time with a current gen game. Also, pc gaming, especially from a hardware point of view are in a stadium of change. Very exciting times imho