Today I saw a bumper sticker that said "Republicans for Kerry/Edwards"
No shit. You know it\'s a weird election when you start seeing Republicans switching sides (and vice versa I assume, although I\'m not positive about it).
I was talking with a family member today, and she said it\'s as simple as: "Some people love war and some people hate it." That\'s an oversimplification on both sides, but I think there\'s a seed of truth. I would extend it by saying...
1. "Some liberals oppose any war for any reason on general principles." (Not me,.. I was in favor of kicking the dog shit out of Afghanistan) However, I\'m sure you\'ve met a liberal who is against all war.
2. "Some conservatives will accept any war their leaders show them because it\'s considered the patriotic thing to do. Then when the war is shown to be a mistake and not beneficial to our country, some conservatives will continue supporting it because they don\'t like to admit they were wrong."
Anyway, my point is that WAR will do these kinds of things to people. Make them crazy. It\'s always been like this.