, let me preface this with one thing, I\'m a white man.
I just can\'t figure out this whole deal with blacks in Florida and why they whine about not getting to vote.
"Nearly a dozen African American ministers and civil rights leaders walked into the Duval County election office here, television cameras in tow, with a list of questions: How come there were not more early voting sites closer to black neighborhoods? How come so many blacks were not being allowed to redo incomplete voter registrations? Who was deciding all this?"
I don\'t get it.
"A Washington Post analysis found nearly three times the number of flagged Democratic registrations as Republican. Broken down by race, no group had more flagged registrations than blacks.
This, in a heavily GOP county where records show that the numbers of blacks added to the rolls since 2000 approximately equals the number of non-Hispanic whites.
Some registrations were missing critical information, such as a signature. Others had different problems, with some people listing post office boxes instead of street addresses or putting street addresses on the wrong line. "
This has nothing to do with being black!!!! This is about being friggen stupid!!! IF you don\'t sign the damn thing or you fill it out incorrectly, how in the hell are they suposed to process it. You have to have a signature for absentee verification. You have to have the right address so you get the right polling location and you don\'t apply more than one time. Whoa is me, whoa is me. I\'m dissenfranchised. I filled out my paperwork completely wrong and they aren\'t leting me vote.
BTW, I voted last week absentee. Hope they count mine.