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Author Topic: Official HALO 2 thread  (Read 15875 times)

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2004, 10:44:25 PM »
Originally posted by Nu
Gamespot\'s review is pretty much on target, I think they gave it the most reasonable score(though it is a lil\' high by their standards). And it\'s good to see that they point out the lil\' flaws in the story; everybody else sang praises of it without saying why.

Only thing I disagree about their review is the repetitious levels. While repetition does rear it\'s ugly head in bits and parts of later levels, it isn\'t nearly as bad as it was in the first game.

Halo has been topped in the repetition stakes by Halo 2 I\'m afraid. It\'s just not funny. One or two of the latter outdoor levels are great (Uprising and Delta Halo - especially in co-op) but when you venture inside... please somebody shoot me.

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2004, 02:03:25 AM »
Just completed the game.

Halo 1\'s ending  is better... really, after three years this was the best they could come up with? Anyway I\'m off to play some multi-player over Xlink < Templar :D
« Last Edit: November 08, 2004, 02:07:07 AM by MAKAVELIUK »

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2004, 02:13:40 AM »
It\'s horrible, isn\'t it?

Remember that bullshit Bungie said about "closure"? Ain\'t there, folks.

They did say they\'d support HALO 2 in a big way through DLC. I\'m expecting some downloadable Campaign levels, Bungie.

Originally posted by MAKAVELIUK
You lie :p

Maybe it\'s just you. :(

It was next to perfect on XBC for me. Occasional dip when vehicles exploded but nothing serious.

Halo has been topped in the repetition stakes by Halo 2 I\'m afraid. :( It\'s just not funny. One or two of the latter outdoor levels are great (Uprising and Delta Halo - especially in co-op) but when you venture inside... please somebody shoot me.

I disagree completely. The only levels where I felt HALO\'s repeating and backtracking came back full force were Gravemind, and High Charity.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2004, 02:15:31 AM by Nu »
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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #48 on: November 09, 2004, 03:53:13 AM »
I\'m on the 3rd level and so far it seems like more of the same on a bigger scale, which isn\'t necessarily a bad thing if you\'re a fan of the first.  The graphics are 30fps but they are smooth.  I like how the story delves deeper and there are some interesting twists.  The dual weapon setup is tricky to handle at first but I think with time it\'ll be easy.

So far I\'d give it a 9.2.  I\'m a PC gamer and the graphics aren\'t just hard on the eyes, but they affect gameplay.  That said, the important thing is I\'m still having fun playing it.

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #49 on: November 09, 2004, 05:01:07 AM »
something went wrong at the packaging plant

i bought halo 2 yesterday, but when i played it, they must have put the expansion pack on the disk instead.
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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #50 on: November 09, 2004, 07:42:53 AM »
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #51 on: November 09, 2004, 07:50:17 AM »
Well, I picked up the game myself.

My initial impressions aren\'t great. In another thread (hell it might have been this one..), some people mentioned that the game might get some negative comments from fans of the original because it\'s so different. Now, I\'m assuming there must be some major gameplay changes later on in the game, perhaps to do with vehicles and working with teammates, as so far the game just feels exactly like the original.. only with a recoil.

As for being repetitive, I\'m already having major deja vu.

Hope I don\'t sound too negative, as it\'s 1:45am and I just woke up, but my first impressions are not too great. I do, however, realise that I\'m still on the first level and fully expect things to change for the better once I progress, but hot damn was I expecting more.. even at this early stage.

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #52 on: November 09, 2004, 02:48:55 PM »
Originally posted by mm
something went wrong at the packaging plant

i bought halo 2 yesterday, but when i played it, they must have put the expansion pack on the disk instead.

Re-worked physics, graphics, a much more varied and balanced selection of weapons, takes full advantage of Xbox LIVE, larger single player maps, increased difficulty, Dual Wielding, and Boarding, and a host of gameplay differences that are listed below...

And you think of it as no more than an expansion?

Wow, what classifies a sequel these days? How much new content did HALO 2 have to have in order to satisfy mm? :laughing:

Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
Now, I\'m assuming there must be some major gameplay changes later on in the game, perhaps to do with vehicles and working with teammates, as so far the game just feels exactly like the original.. only with a recoil.

Eh?... I don\'t know if you\'ve been  playing a lot of HALO\'s Multiplayer, but I\'ll run down some of the changes:
  • The vehicle physics/handing are completely different. Warthog is more grounded, but appears to have less "weight". Ghost is slow as shit without the boost, but when it Boosts for extra speed it can hardly be controlled. The Scorpion moves like 1/3 the speed it did before, it moves just as fast as you walk. Banshee is just totally different, and quite frustrating to use at first, I won\'t even get into it.
  • Destructable vehicles, they can be bothersome to some, since some of them can be easily destroyed without extra care. Unfortunately, there is no option present to turn destructable vehicles off.
  • Fragmentation Grenades explode after the first bounce, instead of exploding when they stop moving like in the original.
  • Frag \'nade\'s blast radius is much smaller, and they do less damage.
  • Rocket Launcher\'s blast radius has also been decreased. And it travels slower.
  • Plasma Pistol is only good for it\'s charge shot now, it can no longer be fired at a rate faster than the Plasma Rifle.
  • All plasma weapons have lost their ability to "freeze" the opponent.
  • The new Pistol, the M6C Pistol/Magnum, is nothing like the powerhouse the M6D Pistol was, and is only useful as a Dual Wield weapon. For those coming straight off of HALO\'s Multiplayer and have become so reliant on it, it\'s a big adjustment coming into HALO.
  • You jump much, much higher in HALO 2.
  • Melee attacks feel completely different, you have to be much closer. Most of them are sharper, and you have to be much closer than before. When you are distanced from your opponent, your character dashes towards the opponent for a melee...
  • Fall damage is no more. Unless you fall into a pit or something(in which case you die), you cannot take damage by falling from great heights.
  • It feels a lot easier to snipe this time around. Not only that, but nailing headshots seems easier. This is for both Multiplayer and Single Player Campaign.
  • And here\'s a big one: Health that replenishes whenever the shield goes up, and that cannot be seen.
You may say most of that is small trivial shit, but it adds up. As I said, it still has that genuine HALO-feel, but it feels a lot different with all considered.

As for being repetitive, I\'m already having major deja vu.


Where is this repetition? The Covenant areas? The Forerunner installation that you raid when you...

[sp]first take control of Arbiter?[/sp]

I don\'t understand how this is even a serious complaint with the  sequel, I\'m not seeing any repetitious enviroments like the ones found in the first game. And the enemy encounters are a lot more varied too.

[EDIT] - Added one big change to the list.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2004, 02:27:22 PM by Nu »
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #53 on: November 09, 2004, 04:21:20 PM »
No no, don\'t get me wrong, I haven\'t given an in-depth review of the game, I\'ve given impressions from merely playing through the first level of the game in a single player campaign. And it just so happens to feel like I\'m playing the first game all over again. I\'m sure this feeling will go away, though.

And here\'s a big one: Health that replenishes whenever the shield goes up, and that cannot be seen.

Is it just me, or does that seem really silly? I quite liked the whole shield/health system of the first one, why bother changing it?

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2004, 05:13:00 PM »
HOLY CRAP this game got a 9.8 from IGN, and now I am eating my words when I said this game would dissapoint me!!!  I\'m so glad it didn\'t!!

Too bad I\'m too busy playing GTA: San Andreas, otherwise I would have picked it up already... I think my brother did, but I can wait.
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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #55 on: November 09, 2004, 07:45:29 PM »
wow, i can jump higher in halo 1.5, i mean halo 2

/twirls finger in air
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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #56 on: November 09, 2004, 08:35:23 PM »
Originally posted by mm
wow, i can jump higher in halo 1.5, i mean halo 2

/twirls finger in air
Have you been like....shooting up as of late???

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2004, 09:22:07 PM »
Originally posted by mm
wow, i can jump higher in halo 1.5, i mean halo 2

/twirls finger in air

looks at the comic Ryu posted...yea:)

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2004, 09:35:36 PM »
Very well made game.

Too bad I dont get xbox live til next week. LAN for now...

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Halo 2: The Official Thread
« Reply #59 on: November 10, 2004, 03:25:38 AM »
something went wrong at the packaging plant

i bought halo 2 yesterday, but when i played it, they must have put the expansion pack on the disk instead.

Whose fault is that? The way I see it , it\'s yours.


Why would you buy Halo 2 when you disliked Halo (Xbox) so much? What\'s the point? You was already dead set against the game, so why waste the money just so you can whine and complain? It makes no sense. I know Halo 2 will not appeal to me in the least, so I am not wasting my money on it.


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