See, that\'s just the thing though -- you can just "start over." The technology offered assures you that you can. See, this is why conservatives alwasy bother me when it comes to deeply seeded issues that split the nation in half. On the one hand, many conservatives hold an opinion on certain issues that do make sense to a degree, but they only make sense if you look at it eight months from now and not ten years from now. Sure, making that mother give birth "saves a life" -- though that is debateable as when a fetus actually becomes "alive" is a topic of contention that is, for now anyways, agreed upon to take place in the second trimester, but once that baby is brought into the world, it becomes a responsibility not of the parent just as it should be, but of all of us.
This is a child that suddenly becomes something your tax dollars will have to support until some type of kind soul finally adopts him/her -- IF someone adopts him/her. Then of course if that doesn\'t occur, the child is going to be lost in the system until they\'re eighteen and pushed out into the streets. Will you be willing to pay the cash out of your own pocket to send this kid to college when it becomes time? Most parents can\'t even send their OWN kids to college. But hey, we\'re talking about one child here, what about 1000? What about 10,000? Will you care for them all? I sure as hell won\'t. I doubt you\'ll be going down to orphanages and picking out a kid or two in your life time. Who cares though, right? We supposedly did the "moral" thing at the time -- I\'m sure if this kid gets swallowed up in the system and later becomes a serial rapist or something in the most extreme circumstance, we can always blame doom and the media.
It\'s like I said though, if this type of thing wasn\'t a possibility and the system somehow cared for these children a whole helluva lot better then they do now, abortions would not be necessary. As it is now, with the same people who are against abortion refusing to help the children who are given up for adoption because of that belief, abortion is the humane thing to do.