Originally posted by Bozco
Nobody constantly makes it an issue like you do, except maybe Quddus.
I guess you\'re right.
But notice how he associated me with what he calls "racist" groups. Oops, must of missed the memo where Giga is the only person that gets to ban others because associations others make.
Because the Government isn\'t controlled by rich white guys...right?
I don\'t bring up the issue of race as an issue. You have got to be kidding me if you say I\'m mistaken that rich white males control the country. I sure wouldn\'t think a Hispanic or a Black controlled government would be against affirmative action, immigration and welfare. It could be but the odds are against it.
I guess growing older does affect your political views. Not because you mature but just because the *new* ways don\'t match with the way you were brought up. And it\'s not like if every 35+ year old is more mature. When Giga? Only if they turn more conservative? Where you a liberal in your 20\'s Giga?
College Professors are mostly well over 35 and with PhD\'s and many licenses that allow them to make their own decision. But I guess intelligence is only there if you are a conservative right Giga?
If you grew up in a racist household and then had to live thru the 60\'s...You sure as hell wouldn\'t support any of the things that went on.
Gman...This country was BUILT by migration. In fact, by today\'s standards it would be ILLEGAL migration. Thousands from Europe flooded the north.
I whine about whitey?
You wouldn\'t call...
"They should learn Spanish"
"Alot of them take advantage of my money!"
"They take our jobs"
Also, you never answered exactly what is this "American Culture" you are defending Giga.