Originally posted by GigaShadow
I know exactly what you mean. It seems I get to respond in the mornings and others respond late at night.
Anyway, illegal is illegal - they are breaking the law. Most of the money they earn here doesn\'t stay here, but instead heads back to Mexico.
Another thing that irritates me about illegal aliens and immigrants from Mexico is their refusal to learn English. Instead they still want to speak Spanish and our government obliges them by printing documents in Spanish at our expense.
Call me arrogant, but my family has served, fought and died for this country for generations. I am proud of my heritage and it is that heritage that built this country. So it sickens me to see someone come to this country illegally, crap on the culture my ancestors helped build, reap benefits at my expense and then send most of whatever they make back to Mexico or whatever banana republic they came from. Illegals shouldn\'t have any rights and should be deported back to the country of their orgin. If you want to come here do it legally.
Is that whitey whining?
You aren\'t the only one that pays taxes buddy. I work. I pay taxes. Teachers work they pay taxes. The governor of Arizona works. He pays taxes.
This just isn\'t about you.
This isn\'t about all the crap you said.
This is just about how much people have centered themselves around their materialistic property that would rather take a dump on a homeless guy than help him out. I have no anger when I pay taxes because I\'m grateful for what I earn and I have no problem helping others out. That is what Americans did. THAT IS THIS COUTRY\'S HERITAGE. That is what this country was built on.
You have turned it into what concerns you and you\'re money.
Who craps on you\'re culture Giga?
What is the American culture Giga?
English? Hamburgers? Or the DIVERSE backgrounds of the many inhabitants of this country? Isn\'t this countries heritage that of being multi-cultural? It has always been that way.
If you want to come here do it legally. Yeah, because it\'s so damn easy huh? If you had any idea of what those people have to live through you\'re eyes would actually open. But you don\'t. You speak out of your butt and smear mud on your eyes.
Both of my cousins are in the military right now. My aunt is married to a veteran. Please dude. There are many soldiers right now in Iraq that come from illegal families.
There is NO need to learn English. Spanish is almost a second language here. It must be learned if you want to go anywhere. I know you don\'t think so and I know you feel awful allowing yourself or any of your family to learn it because it\'s not your "culture"-whatever that could be.
This country needs illegal workers. This country is kept together by those workers who do the jobs for cheap. Who work for nothing. Who take up jobs that you middle class to upper class Americans who sit at your computer whining aren\'t willing to do.
Please dude. Don\'t walk outside. You might step on pavement that an illegal made for you. Don\'t drive. You might drive on a street that an illegal made for you. Don\'t go grocery shopping. You might eat a frut that an illegal picked for you for a low amount of money under the hot sun.
America is the land of dreams. Too bad Americans don\'t let it be.