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Author Topic: U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid  (Read 4506 times)

Offline EThuggV3
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2004, 11:42:54 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Dude will you marry me?

You can\'t just pop the question like that! You gotta romance me, old school first. ;)

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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2005, 04:51:32 PM »
Originally posted by EThuggV3
While it sucks, I sure have bigger problems like having no food in the house and no money, I can\'t be worried about some ****ing tourists and foreigners dying.

Oh, and **** the ****ing UN, those ****ers. Tell them to use all those private funds they\'ve collected over the years from being corrupt to fund the relief effort. What\'s that? They wont? That\'s right, because they don\'t give a **** either, this was just a chance to bash America.

Are you related/do you know/do you live with Giga?

Holy crap. Thousands have died. The place is hell. And all we get from "proud" Americans, such as yourself, is a list of how ****ing great we are and that it\'s not a big deal. Then we get your stupid "**** the UN" bullshit, just because they don\'t approve the crap that our retarded president has done.

I wouldn\'t mind paying taxes to help those people. But shit, you people cry a river when you have to pay taxes to help out your own Americans.

People like you make people all over the world "Bash America". It\'s only bad if it happens to American right?

Screw you and your selfish ideals.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline GigaShadow
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2005, 05:56:46 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Are you related/do you know/do you live with Giga?

Holy crap. Thousands have died. The place is hell. And all we get from "proud" Americans, such as yourself, is a list of how ****ing great we are and that it\'s not a big deal. Then we get your stupid "**** the UN" bullshit, just because they don\'t approve the crap that our retarded president has done.

I wouldn\'t mind paying taxes to help those people. But shit, you people cry a river when you have to pay taxes to help out your own Americans.

People like you make people all over the world "Bash America". It\'s only bad if it happens to American right?

Screw you and your selfish ideals.

No he isn\'t related me or even knows me.  

Ethugg is right about the UN - the UN is corrupt and needs to be abolished.  Let them vacate Manhattan and move to a third world country they say they love so much - I am sure there is some great shopping in Rawanda.  

Americans don\'t like taxes.  That is why the Revolutionary War was fought... or don\'t they teach that anymore.  The rest of the world bashes the US - even when they want money from us, but they and you fail to realize the US pays 40 percent of the worlds aid - almost half of the entire aid paid out by other countries!

Donate your whole tax return this year to the victims and put your money where your mouth is.  I bet you won\'t.

Lastly do you want to know what retarded is?  Someone who posts a picture in this forum of some webcam sex site girl and tries to pass it as his girlfriend - now that is retarded.  Hmmm I wonder who that could be?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 06:07:06 PM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2005, 06:40:50 PM »
You don\'t know each other? Sounds like you two are twins.

Holy crap. That was along time ago. And besides, I would rather be known for that than let you guys do crazy crap to my girlfriends picture. I saw what you did to Swif\'s but he was cool about it. I wouldn\'t have been.

My tax return? Yeah. Sure, I don\'t care. But how am I going to prove it to you Giga?

American\'s don\'t like taxes. Duh. Who likes losing money, only to watch your president spend it all?

The Revolutionary War wasn\'t fought over a tax. The tax just set things off.

You and people like you make this country the worst place on earth in the eyes of others. This isn\'t about pleasing other countries or trying to get along with other countries. This is about people like you placing yourself high among others-like those in Rawanda-then try to pass yourself off as a true American.

And you wonder why this country was attacked..
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2005, 10:08:04 PM »
I\'m sure Giga will lose sleep over some country being mad over his ideals.

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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2005, 05:24:25 AM »
So now I am to blame for 9/11? :laughing:

Giga > Mystiq
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 05:26:22 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2005, 08:15:38 AM »
And these are the people we are giving aid to?  This is a NY Times photo of man in Sri Lanka wearing a Bin Ladin shirt cleaning up after the tsunami.

I agree with Ethugg - f\'em.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline Coredweller
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2005, 10:18:20 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
And these are the people we are giving aid to?  This is a NY Times photo of man in Sri Lanka wearing a Bin Ladin shirt cleaning up after the tsunami.

I agree with Ethugg - f\'em.
Why do you post stuff like this that you obviously don\'t believe?  You\'re not stupid enough to find one picture of one idiot with a bin laden t-shirt, and then damn millions of other innocent victims who need our assistance.  That is utterly insane.  If you\'re trying to make a point, I don\'t understand it.  Let\'s try to keep things rational.
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2005, 12:39:37 PM »
Personally - I couldn\'t care less about giving them aid.  When was the last time anyone gave the US anything?  All I heard right after 9/11 was "we are praying for you."  :rolleyes:

These people hate us, yet we still help them.  Let Osama with his millions help his fans.

BTW nice to see you back Core - I thought you drowned in all the rain that CA got over the holidays.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 12:41:39 PM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2005, 01:46:51 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Personally - I couldn\'t care less about giving them aid.  When was the last time anyone gave the US anything?  All I heard right after 9/11 was "we are praying for you."  :rolleyes:

These people hate us, yet we still help them.  Let Osama with his millions help his fans.

Gee, do you think maybe they hate us because we were propping up Suharto\'s Indonesian government with arms sales all those years?  The same US weapons he used to murder civilians?  We owe them a hell of a lot of financial aid and support for causing all that suffering.  That\'s to name just one example.

BTW the reason we didn\'t get hundreds of millions of dollars rolling in after 9/11 is because we only lost a few thousand people, and we have a highly sophisticated emergency response infrastructure.  WE DIDN\'T NEED THE HELP.  THEY DO.  I\'m sure you already knew that.  What\'s the REAL reason you don\'t want to help them?

BTW this weather blows.  I\'m supposed to go to San Diego in a couple weeks.  It better be sunny by then.
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2005, 01:51:23 PM »
The real reason I don\'t want to help is:

It\'s not our problem.  Yet we are carrying the burden along with Australia and a few other countries.

As for the UN and the EU... they are proving themselves useless once again.

The Dutch Get It:

Well, dear friends, we\'re now into the tenth day of the tsunami crisis and in this battered corner of Asia, the UN is nowhere to be seen -- unless you count at meetings, in five-star hotels, and holding press conferences.

Aussies and Yanks continue to carry the overwhelming bulk of the burden, but some other fine folks also have jumped in: e.g., the New Zealanders have provided C-130 lift and an excellent and much-needed potable water distribution system; the Singaporeans have provided great helo support; the Indians have a hospital ship taking position off Sumatra. Spain and Netherlands have sent aircraft with supplies.

The UN continues to send its best product, bureaucrats. Just today the city\'s Embassies got a letter from the local UN representative requesting a meeting for "Ms. Margareeta Wahlstrom, United Nations Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator and the Secretary-General\'s Special Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance in Tsunami-afected countries." Wow! Put that on a business card! And she must be really, really special because she has the word "coordinator" twice in her title!

The letter, in typically modest UN style, goes on to explain that "Ms. Wahlstrom\'s main task will be to provide leadership and support to the international relief effort. She will undertake high-level consultations with the concerned governments in order to facilitate the delivery of international assistance." Oh, and she\'ll be visiting from January 4-5.

Once, again, a hearty Diplomadic "WOW!" She\'s going to do all that in two days! The Australians and we have been feeding and otherwise helping tens-of-thousands of people stay alive for the past ten days, and still have a long, long way to go, but she\'s going to wrap the whole thing up in a couple of days of meetings. Thank goodness she\'s here to provide the poor lost Aussies and Yanks with leadership. The Diplomad bows in awe to such power and wisdom. The letter is signed, by the way, by the same UN official who suggested a couple of days back that the Australian and US air traffic controllers in Aceh should don UN blue (see our post of January 2.)

Ok, enough with the UN; you get the picture. Now to the EU. The EU could copy the Australian-American model of acting quickly and effectively to save lives, or they could copy the UN model of meeting at a leisurely pace to plan for the possibility of setting up a coordination center that will consider making a plan for the possibility of an operations center to consider beginning to request support for the tsunami\'s victims. Ah, my wise friends, guess which model of "action" the EU chose? No need to emulate those "cowboys" from Australia and the USA with their airplanes and loading crews working round-the-clock; oh, no, much too tacky, sweaty and dirty. No need to feed into the system those goofy Aussiyankeebushowardian New World Anglo-Saxons already have created. No, they\'ll follow the much more elegant Kofi Annan model. A couple of EU planners have shown up to begin making arrangements for an assessment team to arrive, etc., etc., you know the rest. Meanwhile, people die.

But all is not lost. The Dutch, who on occasion show the great common sense for which they were once justifiably famous, have signed up with the Aussiyankeebushowardian Core Group. Thanks to a European Diplomad (Yes, The Diplomadic insurgency has gone international!) we have in our possession a short situation report circulated by the Dutch at the most recent EU meeting here in this corner of the Far Abroad. This January 2 report is written by local Dutch diplomats who traveled to Aceh and saw the reality on the ground. We will cite the two principal paragraphs, and leave them unedited in their original rather charming Dutch-English,

The US military has arrived and is clearly establishing its presence everywhere in Banda Aceh. They completely have taken over the military hospital, which was a mess until yesterday but is now completely up and running. They brought big stocks of medicines, materials for the operation room, teams of doctors, water and food. Most of the patients who were lying in the hospital untreated for a week have undergone medical treatment by the US teams by this afternoon. US military have unloaded lots of heavy vehicles and organize the logistics with Indonesian military near the airport. A big camp is being set up at a major square in the town. Huge generators are ready to provide electricity. US helicopters fly to places which haven\'t been reached for the whole week and drop food. The impression it makes on the people is also highly positive; finally something happens in the city of Banda Aceh and finally it seems some people are in control and are doing something. No talking but action. European countries are until now invisible on the ground. IOM staff (note: this is a USAID-funded organization) is very busy briefing the incoming Americans and Australians about the situation.

The US, Australia, Singapore and the Indonesian military have started a \'Coalition Co-ordination Centre\' in Medan to organize all the incoming and outgoing military flights with aid. A sub-centre is established in Banda Aceh."

Isn\'t that nice? Europeans with a sense of reality.

\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline Coredweller
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2005, 02:28:21 PM »
OK, you say "it\'s not our problem" and we shouldn\'t be doing anything or spending anything on this disaster.  Yet President Bush seems to disagree with you.  And it seems you think it IS our problem to make sure the poor Iraqis were rescued from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein  (since that\'s the only remaining reason for our invasion of that country).

Are you an isolationist, or not?  Please clear this up for me.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 02:32:23 PM by Coredweller »
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2005, 02:40:20 PM »
I have seen some reports on CNN. The US is doing a great job from what I can tell, flying helicopters with food,water etc. into the Ache province, the Indonesian military guys that were there had been cut off for SIX days without any food.

Also, my country one of the nations to have been effected the most of the western countries have gotten all its known injured home, FINALLY!

The military has also rented the Russian super transport plane, so they are going to fly down freeze containers and A/C coffins to keep the bodies from decomposing further.

The first bodies of my countrymen are coming home tonight, at around 2 in the morning (it was supposed to arrive here 23:45 but it has been delayed).

The forensic teams from the Nordic countries have arrived and have started identifying all the dead bodies (1903 Swedes are missing, over 1000 Norwegians, about 400 Danes I think and 200 Finns), they are doing DNA samples and taking dental xrays. China is helping out and are doing all the DNA tests for free! Im really happy to see how most of the world has come together and are working together, this is now the largest help operation since WW2!

Some sickening news, it seems pedofiles are finding a heaven in the chaotic Asia. They have kidnapped many children, among them a Swedish-American boy (12) and a Danish boy (3), not to mention the native children. Quite sickening! I only wish death apon these people.

EDIT: That guy is writing about Ache province in Indonesia? It isn’t very surprising that the EU countries are not there, they are up in Thailand because that is where the majority of their own people where.

Most of the government people from my country have gone to Thailand to help out there, but also Sri Lanka IIRC. Other countries will have to take care of different parts, its not all that shocking if the US and Australia are doing the most work in Indonesia while EU countries are helping out elsewhere!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 03:07:51 PM by fastson »
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2005, 03:43:42 PM »
Im glad everyone does not think like Gigashadow and EThugg. :)

Private U.S. Aid for Tsunami Tops $200M


No need for Clinton or Bush now! :D
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline GigaShadow
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U.N. official slams U.S. as \'stingy\' over aid
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2005, 05:10:57 AM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
OK, you say "it\'s not our problem" and we shouldn\'t be doing anything or spending anything on this disaster.  Yet President Bush seems to disagree with you.  And it seems you think it IS our problem to make sure the poor Iraqis were rescued from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein  (since that\'s the only remaining reason for our invasion of that country).

Are you an isolationist, or not?  Please clear this up for me.

No I am not an isolationist - that is unrealistic in the modern world, but the UN needs to be abolished and a new world body needs to be created led by the US and not by bureaucrats from "old Europe" and Third world nations.  Keep NATO and toss out France.  Every other country in the world relies on us for economic aid, peacekeeping or disaster relief.  Without us, the world economy would collapse.

Where are the Arab nations in this tragedy?  I mean a lot of nationals from the countries that were hit work for nations in the Arab League.  

In regards to Iraq - I have said it before... I think it is perfectly fine to take out any threat to the US before they have a chance to attack us.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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