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Author Topic: Keep your kids from being gay  (Read 7654 times)

Offline Evi

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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #75 on: January 22, 2005, 11:59:39 PM »
Uhhhh...thanks for that random tidbit of information :stick:

EDIT: Oh...from the statement above...yeah, well...yeah. Whatever floats their boat...whatever they do in private is their business.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2005, 12:01:03 AM by Evi »

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #76 on: January 23, 2005, 12:25:38 AM »
I just don\'t see what\'s such a big deal. Heaps of chicks take it up the ass every now-and-then, and do they get pursecuted for it? No, its totally fine and dandy, because they are women. Get a guy to do it and its disgusting.

People should just learn to mind their OWN business.

Offline Evi

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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #77 on: January 23, 2005, 12:36:45 AM »
People should just learn to mind their OWN business.
Yeah...that\'s pretty much it...

Offline Bozco
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #78 on: January 23, 2005, 12:41:40 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
No, its totally fine and dandy, because they are women. Get a guy to do it and its disgusting.

People should just learn to mind their OWN business.

Minding their own business and thinking it\'s disgusting are two seperate things.  Also it\'s not disgusting cause it\'s the ass..........

Offline Evi

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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #79 on: January 23, 2005, 12:44:12 AM »
But feces comes out of there. It\'s gross no matter what\'s going on with it

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #80 on: January 23, 2005, 01:09:55 AM »

And you eating out a chicks p*ssy, how is that any different? Friggen blood and babies comes out of there.

I\'m not having a go at you, but c\'mon, think about what your saying.

Offline Evi

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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #81 on: January 23, 2005, 01:20:08 AM »
That\'s pretty nasty, too. But I wasn\'t really making a point anyway [blood and babies and urine; thanks for that ;)]. It\'s nobody\'s business what people do behind closed doors.

Offline Black Samurai
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #82 on: January 23, 2005, 02:58:01 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
And you eating out a chicks p*ssy, how is that any different? Friggen blood and babies comes out of there.
Heh. Not every day it doesn\'t.

If it does then you are messing with the wrong chicks.
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Offline EThuggV3
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #83 on: January 24, 2005, 07:54:13 PM »
Originally posted by Bjorn
This is an important part of school I would say. Why should they not teach these kind of things?

Of course they should only teach to be tolerant against \'lifestyles\' that does not harm others. I mean they should not teach to be tolerant to nazis and racists and other hate people etc. No one gains from hate.

Lifestyles are not an absolute thing, such as race or gender; they are subjective in their merit and danger. I could just as easily say no one gains from forcing children to respect freaks of nature like gays, whose open presense in a society can and will cause gender, sexuality and family role confusion in young people. And while you might not want the nazi lifestyle (is there such a thing?) to be tolerated by young people, I\'m sure plenty of people feel just as strongly that tolerance of that should be taught as you do about gays. That\'s the point; none of these things are necessary to teach youths to tolerate, and none will be agreed upon. Selective tolerance is a lateral baby step to intolerance. It\'s best to keep all lifestyles out of the classroom, along with religion. They are personal things and schools have no place dictating which ones should be tolerated.

Originally posted by EviscerationX
Actually, scientists have only searched through 90% of the human genome, not 100%, so there is some chance of still finding something. If they don\'t, then there is nothing left to discuss. But what they search for isn\'t exactly clear. You can\'t just point out and say, hey...there\'s a gay gene!!

Consider my statement withdrawn for the time being, but I must say, in all fairness to my argument, the \'gay gene\' has been at the top of the list of things they are trying to find in the field, even before things that could actually benefit human health, so to say the least, at 90% and with so much effort going into it, the fact that they don\'t have it says a lot. Thank you for the links.

If animals can be gay in nature, and humans are more advanced, then why couldn\'t homosexuality be a normal thing? Are you just afraid of people who are different?[/b]

It\'s not normal in nature. It happens in nature, and I adressed this issue already. Pedophilia, infanticide, incest, etc. all occur in nature with the same regularity as homosexuality. IF you wish to make the \'it happens in nature...\' argument, are you ready to defend these other abnormal acts as well? We are arguably more advance (though I\'d argue mearly more complex), and it is because of this, not despite it, that I think we can control ourselves, and hold ourselves to slightly higher standards than say, a dog.

Originally posted by Samwise
Fair enough. Although then of course your acting on your heterosexuality is also optional...

I would never argue otherwise.

Because scientists are never wrong and picking out a "gay gene" is as easy as finding a black ball in a bowl of white balls.[/b]

See my above response to EviscerationX. Also, I should think such a thing would be rather simple, just keep comparing straight guy DNA to gay guy DNA, and a pattern should emerge if it\'s truely 100% hardwired within our genetics, right?

So what are you arguing here? If someone is gay because of imbalanced hormones, then you don\'t have a say in the matter - you just \'are\' gay.[/b]

Agreed. If you burn a batch of cookies, that was a natural response to cooking them too long (or at too high a heat), but they are useless, burnt cookies, nonetheless, are they not. You bin them.

If we link that back to what you said earlier - you wouldn\'t want your children to learn about being tolerant of people who are gay and can\'t help the way they are? Should they also be intolerate of handicapped people, retards etc.?[/b]

I am not tolerant of the handicapped (my mother) nor the retarded (my cousin Ricky). In fact, I make fun of them, often. Ricky doesn\'t know though, because I insult him in a baby voice while smiling and clapping my hands, and he laughs. I\'m so cruel...

Well, ok, I don\'t really insult my mom, and if Ricky understood me, I might feel bad, but that\'s not the point! No, I don\'t think a school should be concerning itself with teaching tolerance like that. In fact, I think its my right as an American to be as inteolerant, mean, and hateful as I want, and I was being nice saying schools should be teaching even racial tolerance. If I create a child, I can teach that child to hate anyone I want, and its no ones business. Everyone hates someone, selectively enforced tolerance indoctornation would make the founders of this country I live in vomit in disgust.

Let me be honest and say I\'m not really sure what you mean by that. I might be wrong, but are you saying that "homosexuals will f*** any man" whereas heterosexuals won\'t f*** any woman? Gays are attracted to their own sex just as straigt people are attracted to the opposite sex - but neither are attracted to ALL the specimen, only the \'attractive\' ones (and what\'s considered attractive is individual as we all know).

If by any chance you didn\'t mean what I thought you did, I apologize. [/B]

It\'s quite alright. No, I hadn\'t meant that. I\'m saying merely that just because something (in this case homosexuality) is practiced by a minority of animals in nature doesn\'t mean we as a civilized society need to emulate that. They (animals) do quite a few things that no civilized human being would do. Last time I checked, acting like a monkey was not on the agenda for bettering ourselves as a species.

Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t understand how people can say that its a matter of choice. What you feel attracted to is not something that you can just \'make happen\' or force. Ask any heterosexual man to have feelings for another guy and he\'ll go \'ewww\'. Its just not something you can force.

Wrong. I know people who have admitted to doing it. And I\'m 100% attracted to females, but I could force myself to not only be attracted to, but indeed fornicate with... oh... lets say Brad Pitt, Will Smith or Johnny Depp. *sighs dreamily* And if you were here, right now, just to prove my point, I\'d kiss you.

And besides, why would someone choose to be gay if they really weren\'t? I do believe that there are some people out there who are just so stupidly horny and slutty that they\'ll just have sex with whatever comes their way, male or femaile. These people are not true homosexuals, they are just sluts, and they are the ones who are commiting true sin. [/B]

I agree with most of that, however the same reason some people choose to be goth, stab slivers of metal through every availible flap of skin, get drunk until they pass out... really... lots of people do things that make no sense, in the first to examples, sometimes even exclusively for the sake of shocking family and being \'different\'.

Originally posted by Samwise
Strange, most guys here would pay to watch two women make out. :laughing:

Not something to brag about. :p

Let me make it clear, since others I haven\'t quoted have discussed this: my opinions apply to lesbians, straight sexual acts of sodomy, etc. I feel contraceptives shouldn\'t be taught without parental permission either. I think most of these things should fall under parental prerogative, just teaching it without the parents knowledge may very well be undermining the values they teach at home.

Offline Weltall
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #84 on: January 24, 2005, 09:07:49 PM »
I choose to be straight. I could be gay in a heartbeat if I put my mind to it.

I merely prefer not to because I find it revolting.

There is no gay gene, nor is there anything else forcing gays to be gay. They\'re gay because they want to be, and those that claim otherwise are full of shit. They\'re weak and incapable of decision, so they claim to be unable to be attracted to the opposite gender.
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Offline Evi

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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #85 on: January 24, 2005, 09:29:39 PM »
There is no 100% way of knowing either way at this point. So I\'m not going to touch this one with a 40 foot pole...

Ricky doesn\'t know though, because I insult him in a baby voice while smiling and clapping my hands, and he laughs. I\'m so cruel...

And I\'m 100% attracted to females, but I could force myself to not only be attracted to, but indeed fornicate with... oh... lets say Brad Pitt, Will Smith or Johnny Depp. *sighs dreamily* And if you were here, right now, just to prove my point, I\'d kiss you.

Agreed. If you burn a batch of cookies, that was a natural response to cooking them too long (or at too high a heat), but they are useless, burnt cookies, nonetheless, are they not. You bin them.
Human beings aren\'t cookies.

I choose to be straight. I could be gay in a heartbeat if I put my mind to it.
I couldn\'t...what the hell is wrong with you?

Offline Weltall
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #86 on: January 24, 2005, 10:19:46 PM »
I couldn\'t...what the hell is wrong with you?

The only thing wrong with me is that I\'m honest. I\'m straight, but I wasn\'t born straight and there\'s nothing in my genes that forces me to be straight. I am straight because I choose to be. I choose not to have greasy buttsex with guys, but if I decided for whatever reason to do so, there\'s not a damned thing my genes could do to stop me.
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Offline ##RaCeR##
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #87 on: January 24, 2005, 10:22:33 PM »
Weltall, your being a dumbass. If you seriously believe what your saying then that goes beyond all manner of common sense. Why are women \'automatically\' attracted to men and why are men \'automatically\' attracted to women? Do you think that is purely formed because of what society tells us to be attracted too? If that was the case then people who grew up with gay parents would be presumed to also be gay, living in that environment. This has been dis-proven time and time again. Its instilled within you, you can\'t change it.

EthugV3, people like you should not be allowed to walk this earth. Your kind should be carstrated. Your nothing but a redneck, a waste to society. To think you treat memebers of your family the way you do just because they are not as privlidged as you is downright sickening.

Do you think Ricky had a choice to be retarded? Can he make himself better?

And by the way, I don\'t understand how heterosexuals can truly comment on homosexuality if you\'ve never gone through the confusion and frustration that comes with it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2005, 10:26:18 PM by ##RaCeR## »

Offline Weltall
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #88 on: January 24, 2005, 10:38:55 PM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Weltall, your being a dumbass. If you seriously believe what your saying then that goes beyond all manner of common sense. Why are women \'automatically\' attracted to men and why are men \'automatically\' attracted to women? Do you think that is purely formed because of what society tells us to be attracted too? If that was the case then people who grew up with gay parents would be presumed to also be gay, living in that environment. This has been dis-proven time and time again. Its instilled within you, you can\'t change it.

There\'s bullshit proof of it. Men and women are naturally attracted because it\'s necessary for reproduction. People who are gay deny that biology. Even still, it\'s not automatic. When we\'re young, we are actually, for the most part, repellent to the opposite sex. Boys and girls avoid each other. Cooties. Children, for the most part, are sexually-neutral. Sexual attraction begins at puberty. It\'s not hardwired. There\'s no gay gene. There is no magic gay impulse. It\'s no more natural than being a wife-beater or liking the color red.

And even in some traits that are genetically-influenced, such as obesity and alcoholism... having the wrong genetic traits makes one more susceptible to those maladies, but it in no way is a 100% certainty that a person will suffer them.

Now, gays can do whatever they want in their own privacy. I don\'t mind that. ut I do take offense to the notion that they\'re a special group of genetic victims that requires special protections because they\'re too either weak to accept proper biology, or outright enjoy denying it, as many gays do.

So, in closing, I\'m not close-minded. I used to be obese, and I can rightly blame genetics for it (since my parents were also both obese), but I was obese because I didn\'t control myself. Once I took control of my bad habits, I lost weight. Now I\'m trim, fit and sexy. My genetic predispositions couldn\'t stop me. So screw that shit about genetics being inescapable.
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Offline Unicron!
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Keep your kids from being gay
« Reply #89 on: January 24, 2005, 11:21:22 PM »
I am trying to understand what you people discuss here.If gays are gays because they are weak or because they just choose to be?GET REAL!
Homosexual orientation occurs normally.Just as heterosexual orientation does.We have no right to criticize or blame them for what they are.If they want they can..-but NOTICE the word-...can FORCE theirsleves to engage only on heterosexual acts...but dont expect them to feel as happy about it as some poeple develop self control to lose weight become sexy or whatever

edit:also some research indicate that future sexual orientation could be defined before the child is even born.And I am not talking about gendre definition.With other words not thanks to a gene but it could be thanks to an anomaly that occurs as the embryo grows in its mother
« Last Edit: January 24, 2005, 11:32:24 PM by Unicron! »


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