Originally posted by Weltall
I choose to be straight. I could be gay in a heartbeat if I put my mind to it.
I merely prefer not to because I find it revolting.
Being gay doesn\'t mean just having gay sex, it also includes the feelings for the same sex. You admitted that you
couldn\'t bring yourself to have sexual relations with a man, could you have intimate feelings for a man? I\'m betting no, not even if you tried to force yourself. It would never feel right to you, same goes for a homosexual trying to love the opposite sex.
So, in closing, I\'m not close-minded. I used to be obese, and I can rightly blame genetics for it (since my parents were also both obese), but I was obese because I didn\'t control myself. Once I took control of my bad habits, I lost weight. Now I\'m trim, fit and sexy. My genetic predispositions couldn\'t stop me. So screw that shit about genetics being inescapable.
Everyone is built differently, all you had to do was figure out how your body works in order to get in shape. That\'s why there isn\'t any one answer to weight problems, everyone is a special case. Bravo on figuring yours out.
ut I do take offense to the notion that they\'re a special group of genetic victims that requires special protections because they\'re too either weak to accept proper biology, or outright enjoy denying it, as many gays do.
They shouldn\'t be singled out in the first place, then there wouldn\'t be a need for special protections.
Something you probably missed two pages back...Saying that homosexuality is \'unnatural\', ie outside of the bounds of the subset of behaviour that would occur in a controlled group of human beings with no external input (testing the human \'animal\' as it were) is unsupportable. Empirical evidence of societies that existed outside of the bounds of a moral perspective that homosexuality is wrong disprove it.
Men and women are naturally attracted because it\'s necessary for reproduction. People who are gay deny that biology.
Biological Varation, look it up. No two people, with the exception of identical twins, is hard-wired the same. There are variations in phenotypes(physical appearance) and genotypes(genetic make-up).
Also, we happen to be one of the few species who have sex for pleasure (sex without the intentions of making a baby). Would you deem that unnatural as well? Then why deem two consenting same sex adults seeking pleasure from one another unnatural?