Originally posted by SirMystiq
If Al Jazeera DIDN\'T give them air time, where the hell would we be? If anything they are doing us a favor by letting the whole world know exactly what to expect, who to attack and who to look for. Al Jazeera might be viewed as a tool for that reason but your accusations are mere assumptions about how the terrorist feel about Al Jazeera. In fact, alot of terrorist groups call for the end of Al Jazeera because they believe they are supporting the west.
Oh, come on. Do you really think they\'re airing these for OUR benefit? Well, considering what your aims are, maybe you really do.
Liberals are trying to divide and polarize this nation?
Is there a FoxNews report I can watch so I can have pictures to go along with the rest of your "opinion"?
Probably. You really don\'t need pictures on a TV though, because you\'re acting it out in your own life. Why watch it on TV when you have something as valuable as first-hand experience?
I don\'t ever recall fighting for a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abortion or trying to privatize Social Security. I don\'t ever see Bush trying to reach to the Democrats only to those that "support our goals" D\'uh, you don\'t need to reach out to those that already support you!!
Those are common-sense initiatives. You people fight them with wild, zany zeal because you people want to undermine our society as much as possible, thus, your divisive tactics.
And the rest of your post. Nothing but right-wing dribble with no solid basis behind it. About the protesters, how else are we supposed to expose or show the world our position? We have no power anywhere else, this four years are Republican heaven.
Here\'s a thought: Grow the hell up. Children protest everything they don\'t like, and so do liberals. You people protest just for the sake of protesting, and while you aren\'t changing anything, you are proving the annoyance factor of stupid people in numbers.
There are problems out there, but liberals never offer solutions. They just complain about the problems and find someone to blame, be it Christians, Jews, gun-owners, or white people in general. Protests are worthless unless there is some sort of intellectual movement behind them. The trouble is, liberals have no answers for anything, so they cover up their ineptitude like all stupid people do: by being loud, obnoxious assholes and doing it where everyone will see you.
I don\'t despise a capitalist nation. That is a very opinion slanted assumption. So, could you just stop with your barrage of made up accusations?
Not until you show me a reason to believe otherwise. Simply saying so isn\'t enough, considering your opinions when they are less-carefully bridled.
I would despise a Christian controlled nation. Say bye-bye to common sense.
Liberals dispise Christians in general. All the while embracing radical Muslims and their aims. I don\'t get it.
American\'s enemies wished for John Kerry to win? Are you talking about Osama saying something along the lines off:
Doesn\'t matter who your president is. It\'s your foreign policy. You\'re all still full of shit.
I don\'t see how that is supporting a Democrat. Besides, would you really trust this guy to tell the truth. Maybe he wants GWB to win because he knows that GWB\'s actions have helped him out by spreading anti-Americanism throught the world.
That\'s just retarded, and the sad thing is that you actually believe it. You think what Osama really wants is soldiers to kill? No. He wants to bring western society, and America in particular, to ruin. And nothing will help him achieve his goal faster than weakening us from the inside with the brand socialist liberal cancer John Kerry would undoubtedly have affected us with.
I perform activities that help them? I\'m sorry for using my right of freedom of speech!
It is a right that is often abused. You people use \'free speech\' to harm the nation that embodies it. Sometimes I would love for the Sedition Acts to be reinstated in wartime.
Yes, remind me later to send them some new AK\'s so that they can shoot down our soldiers. Wait, they don\'t need them, all they do is strap some C-4 and blow themselves up.
If liberals were honest enough to drop their pretenses, they\'d be strapping on the explosives right next to them.