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Author Topic: Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.  (Read 1820 times)

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2005, 11:22:46 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
I\'ve never been to the Al Jazeera site. So can you show me a report or video where they have done such a thing. And please, show me a report done by the journalist at Al Jazeera themselves and not a video that they were handed by a terrorist groups.

How are "some of them" helping their cause "over here"?

Not supporting your side?

That is a pretty lame excuse.

Hello computer.

My point is that by giving airtime to the terrorist videos, they are allowing the terrorists to get their message out to the world at large, and to their followers and sympathizers in general, which only hinders our goal.

I never said Al-J themselves made the videos. They themselves are not terrorists, but they are tools of terrorists, and that\'s not really so much better.

As for how liberals are helping their cause? Easy. You\'re trying to divide and polarize this nation. You spout some of the same propaganda, about how we\'re an evil nation that deserves to be attacked for our arrogance and belligerence, about how the war is really an effort to inslave Islam and steal all the oil from Iraq. You hold protests in the streets claiming the right to free speech, all the while hindering the right of normal, non-treasonous Americans to go about their daily business without having to detour around you. You\'re saying we have no business interfering with their activities. Like them, you despise a capitalist, Christian nation, and you want the entire world to be \'balanced\' at our considerable expense.

It was a surprise to no one when America\'s enemies openly wished for John Kerry\'s victory in November, because with a mincing, spineless sack of shit like that running the White House, our enemies would be able to do whatever they damn well pleased, knowing there\'s no way America would use force ever again.

Harsh words, maybe, but fully justified. You can\'t agree with the terrorists de facto, perform activites that directly strengthen their will and resolve to fight us and kill our soldiers, and try to claim you\'re not a traitor in a time of war.
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2005, 11:37:02 PM »
Originally posted by Weltall
Hello computer.

My point is that by giving airtime to the terrorist videos, they are allowing the terrorists to get their message out to the world at large, and to their followers and sympathizers in general, which only hinders our goal.

I never said Al-J themselves made the videos. They themselves are not terrorists, but they are tools of terrorists, and that\'s not really so much better.

As for how liberals are helping their cause? Easy. You\'re trying to divide and polarize this nation. You spout some of the same propaganda, about how we\'re an evil nation that deserves to be attacked for our arrogance and belligerence, about how the war is really an effort to inslave Islam and steal all the oil from Iraq. You hold protests in the streets claiming the right to free speech, all the while hindering the right of normal, non-treasonous Americans to go about their daily business without having to detour around you. You\'re saying we have no business interfering with their activities. Like them, you despise a capitalist, Christian nation, and you want the entire world to be \'balanced\' at our considerable expense.

It was a surprise to no one when America\'s enemies openly wished for John Kerry\'s victory in November, because with a mincing, spineless sack of shit like that running the White House, our enemies would be able to do whatever they damn well pleased, knowing there\'s no way America would use force ever again.

Harsh words, maybe, but fully justified. You can\'t agree with the terrorists de facto, perform activites that directly strengthen their will and resolve to fight us and kill our soldiers, and try to claim you\'re not a traitor in a time of war.

If Al Jazeera DIDN\'T give them air time, where the hell would we be? If anything they are doing us a favor by letting the whole world know exactly what to expect, who to attack and who to look for. Al Jazeera might be viewed as a tool for that reason but your accusations are mere assumptions about how the terrorist feel about Al Jazeera. In fact, alot of terrorist groups call for the end of Al Jazeera because they believe they are supporting the west.

Liberals are trying to divide and polarize this nation?
Is there a FoxNews report I can watch so I can have pictures to go along with the rest of your "opinion"?

I don\'t ever recall fighting for a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abortion or trying to privatize Social Security. I don\'t ever see Bush trying to reach to the Democrats only to those that "support our goals" D\'uh, you don\'t need to reach out to those that already support you!!

And the rest of your post. Nothing but right-wing dribble with no solid basis behind it. About the protesters, how else are we supposed to expose or show the world our position? We have no power anywhere else, this four years are Republican heaven.

I don\'t despise a capitalist nation. That is a very opinion slanted assumption. So, could you just stop with your barrage of made up accusations?

I would despise a Christian controlled nation. Say bye-bye to common sense.

American\'s enemies wished for John Kerry to win? Are you talking about Osama saying something along the lines off:

Doesn\'t matter who your president is. It\'s your foreign policy. You\'re all still full of shit.

I don\'t see how that is supporting a Democrat. Besides, would you really trust this guy to tell the truth. Maybe he wants GWB to win because he knows that GWB\'s actions have helped him out by spreading anti-Americanism throught the world.

I perform activities that help them? I\'m sorry for using my right of freedom of speech!

Yes, remind me later to send them some new AK\'s so that they can shoot down our soldiers. Wait, they don\'t need them, all they do is strap some C-4 and blow themselves up.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2005, 11:58:03 PM »
Originally posted by Black Samurai
What is there to address. There happen to be people, unlike you, who do not like to be spoonfed information by the government themselves. You turn on Faux News and spout off their political talking points like it is gospel. THat is no worse than someone turning on Al Jazeera and spouting off their talking points as gospel.

You have two organizations doing/saying everything in their power to give a biased view of what is really happening. To say that Al Jazeera should not be trusted because they are the supposed mouthpiece of Iraqis and then in the same breath say that Fox News SHOULD be trusted despite the fact that they are the mouthpiece of the republican party is in itself the HEIGHT of hypocrisy.

Many people watch both(mostly eurpoeans) because they figure the truth tends to lie somewhere in the middle. Of course you and people of your ilk like to see things in black and white. You never see the truth because it is usually somewhere in that gray area you refuse to acknowledge.
Damn... that\'s some of the most intelligent talk I\'ve heard on PSX2C in years, if not ever.

Kudos. :)

(BTW, I\'m sure that by agreeing with this I\'ve now been flagged by FBI as a terrorist. I\'ll pray to Allah for my protection.)
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2005, 12:19:38 AM »
Allah can eat my ass. *no offense* But I too agree with BS\'s post. *looks around with caution*

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2005, 12:30:31 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
Damn... that\'s some of the most intelligent talk I\'ve heard on PSX2C in years, if not ever.

Kudos. :)

(BTW, I\'m sure that by agreeing with this I\'ve now been flagged by FBI as a terrorist. I\'ll pray to Allah for my protection.)

Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2005, 07:33:39 AM »
Damn Weltall - keep beating down the leftist members on this board with your logical and well thought out posts... you are expressing the views of mainstream America - something these idiots seem not to comprehend.
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2005, 08:00:59 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
You still cling to bashing Fox News even though the discussion is about Al Jazeera... this really is sad.

I mentioned Faux in the first post.

You dismiss the facts that Al Jazeera incites radical Islam.  Tell me which is more dangerous - a conservative US news channel or Al Jazeera?  Tell me, how many suicide bombers has Fox News spawned by its reporting?  How many beheadings?  How many insurgents bent on killing anyone who opposes their views?

Tell me, how many terrorists have al-Jazeera spawned, or how many beheadings? Do you have any facts that prove what you claim? Really, I want to know.

Tell me which is more dangerous - a conservative US news channel or Al Jazeera?

I tell you Faux is dangerous to the free press. They spinn so well that their viewers got some of the most basic things wrong.

- that evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found
- that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq
- that world public opinion favored the US going to war with Iraq

Thats just one example, I\'d love to see more studies on the matter.

Damn... that\'s some of the most intelligent talk I\'ve heard on PSX2C in years, if not ever.


Agreed.. Black Samurai is probably my favourite poster right now (efter dig ;) ). :D
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2005, 08:44:44 AM »
Originally posted by fastson

Tell me, how many terrorists have al-Jazeera spawned, or how many beheadings? Do you have any facts that prove what you claim? Really, I want to know.

Al Jazeraa does in fact fuel the flames of radical Islam.  The endless looping of video showing the Marine shooting the insurgent in the Falluhja is one example.  Not reporting or spending any time on what crimes the terrorists commit is another.  They glorify the insurgents and label them "freedom fighters".  I don\'t need any statistics for this - it is common sense.  Instead of reporting the good in Iraq - they focus on the bad to further fuel tensions in the region - why do you think the Iraqi interim government kicked them out of Iraq?  

The footage they show and the number of times they show it, along with the news they don\'t show speaks volumes for the message they are trying to send.  

Originally posted by fastson

I tell you Faux is dangerous to the free press. They spinn so well that their viewers got some of the most basic things wrong.

Like I said it is an obscure study, when did they do this poll?  Right after news about Iraqi agents meeting with Al Qaeda was reported on all news channels, but before it was later recinded?   People have opinions and apparently if they don\'t agree with yours they are dangerous.  Fox a danger to free press?  Get a clue.  What is dangerous are people like you who wish to censor channels like Fox, yet praise Al Jazeera.  :stick:  

I also don\'t believe for one second you get your news from numerous sources both conservative and liberal.  Your misguided beliefs contradict your claim.  

Originally posted by fastson

Thats just one example, I\'d love to see more studies on the matter.

This is the problem with your links - they claim Americans are misinformed based on what the sites you link think is the truth.  They don\'t know Saddam didn\'t have any WMD\'s.  We may never know.  They don\'t know if there was or wasn\'t a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq.  

This topic has turned into an anti Fox News post, which I can now see you intended all along.  Go ahead an cheer for Al Jazeera - soon it might be your one and only nightly newscast.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 08:48:23 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2005, 09:29:18 AM »
Instead of reporting the good in Iraq - they focus on the bad to further fuel tensions in the region - why do you think the Iraqi interim government kicked them out of Iraq?

Kind of like how Fox sometimes ignore to report on the “bad” news that happens to for example the republican party? I’ve read it countless of times (like the time when Kerry was going to do a speech, and Fox suddenly had a technical problem only showing the last few seconds of his speech, but they had no problems what so ever when Bush was on?), it would not surprise me if they ignore some of the bad news that come out of Iraq.

Why the interim government kicked them out? I don’t know, but I do know they have been kicked out of several Muslim countries for having “pro-US” and “Pro-Israeli” views.. See how the image of al-Jazeera differs depending on where you stand? The radical right think they are anti-american, the radical islamists think they are pro-american.

One thing is sure, al-Jazeera stirs up a lot of feelings, just like it should be.

I also don\'t believe for one second you get your news from numerous sources both conservative and liberal. Your misguided beliefs contradict your claim.

I don’t care if you do not believe me. Misguided, according to whom? You? :laughing:
I watch 4 different channels for news (SVT1&2, TV4, CNN)
I go to al-Jazeera (the English site), news.yahoo.com, Aftonbladet (newspaper, leaning left), SvD (newspaper, leaning right) and Expressen (liberal, right), and a local paper, Barometern (moderate)

Then I draw my own conclusions.

This is the problem with your links - they claim Americans are misinformed based on what the sites you link think is the truth.

No, they claim Fox News viewers have an erroneous view of what is going in in Iraq.

-that evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found – IIRC the 9/11 said there were no links between Iraq/Saddam and al-Q
- that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq – They haven’t, so they have a false view on the subject. In fact, didn’t they recently announce that they have given up the search for WMD?
- that world public opinion favoured the US going to war with Iraq – The majority of the world didn’t, so they have false view on this.

Here is the full report if you want to read it. http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/Iraq/Media_10_02_03_Report.pdf

This topic has turned into an anti Fox News post, which I can now see you intended all along. Go ahead an cheer for Al Jazeera - soon it might be your one and only nightly newscast.

Eurabia, right? :D
« Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 09:32:41 AM by fastson »
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2005, 10:29:26 AM »
Originally posted by fastson

One thing is sure, al-Jazeera stirs up a lot of feelings, just like it should be.


Seems Fox does too - but somehow you have a problem with that. :rolleyes:
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2005, 10:38:15 AM »
All I know is that if you only ever see one side of a situation and/or only talk to people with the same opinion as yourself, you\'ll have a sad boring life.

Personally I try to see things holistically. I like my views challenged, even if I don\'t agree with what I hear. That\'s only healthy IMO.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2005, 12:52:04 PM »
Originally posted by fastson
Kind of like how Fox sometimes ignore to report on the “bad” news that happens to for example the republican party? I’ve read it countless of times (like the time when Kerry was going to do a speech, and Fox suddenly had a technical problem only showing the last few seconds of his speech, but they had no problems what so ever when Bush was on?), it would not surprise me if they ignore some of the bad news that come out of Iraq.

From what I saw it was pretty fair coverage for both candidates.  They didn\'t show all of Bush\'s speeches, just as they didn\'t show all of Kerry\'s.  Also since you aren\'t American I will explain to you that during the campaign the candidates stuck to one speech for days on end and only changed it depending on current affairs or other news.  So if you heard Bush or Kerry speak one a time a week, there really was no need to see it again for the 20th time.  

What has Fox News ignored that was bad in Iraq?  What event did they not report on that was reported by other news sources?

Your agrument that Fox News is dangerous to the freedom of press is hollow.

Originally posted by fastson

Why the interim government kicked them out? I don’t know, but I do know they have been kicked out of several Muslim countries for having “pro-US” and “Pro-Israeli” views.. See how the image of al-Jazeera differs depending on where you stand? The radical right think they are anti-american, the radical islamists think they are pro-american.

Don\'t know why they were closed?  I thought you were an informed person who claims to read Al Jazeera\'s website on a regular basis?  


Earlier this month, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hushiar Zibari criticised Aljazeera, the Saudi-funded Al-Arabiya and other Arab and Iranian stations for their coverage of Iraq, and threatened to close their Baghdad offices.

Zibari said Aljazeera, Al-Arabiya, the Lebanese Hizb Allah\'s Al-Manar television and Iran\'s Al-Alam were "channels of incitement working against the interests, security and stability of the Iraqi people".

He added: "We will no longer tolerate this in the future."


Originally posted by fastson

One thing is sure, al-Jazeera stirs up a lot of feelings, just like it should be.

By all means incite more people to kill other people.  Great!

Originally posted by fastson

I don’t care if you do not believe me. Misguided, according to whom? You? :laughing:
I watch 4 different channels for news (SVT1&2, TV4, CNN)
I go to al-Jazeera (the English site), news.yahoo.com, Aftonbladet (newspaper, leaning left), SvD (newspaper, leaning right) and Expressen (liberal, right), and a local paper, Barometern (moderate)

Then I draw my own conclusions.

Another typical "I am European and therefore I am intellectually superior to you" response.  Look at what you claim... you say you read:

Al Jazeera - anti American (which has the same goal as the left)
Yahoo News (which includes Reuters) - left leaning
Aftonbladet - you say is left leaning
Expressen - liberal tabliod which you claim is liberal, right?:

Barometern - who knows - its a local paper, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt that is tells it down the middle.

SvD - conservative.

Adding all of that up - it looks like your have a heavy left leaning slant to the news you get.  The sad fact is, you are no more open minded than I am.  So much for your claim that you get news from all sources and then find the truth somewhere in the middle.  You find the truth where you want to find it - in the left leaning media you read 4 times as much as you do right leaning media.  

Originally posted by fastson

No, they claim Fox News viewers have an erroneous view of what is going in in Iraq.

-that evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found – IIRC the 9/11 said there were no links between Iraq/Saddam and al-Q
- that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq – They haven’t, so they have a false view on the subject. In fact, didn’t they recently announce that they have given up the search for WMD?
- that world public opinion favoured the US going to war with Iraq – The majority of the world didn’t, so they have false view on this.

Here is the full report if you want to read it. http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/Iraq/Media_10_02_03_Report.pdf

The study is irrelevant for the fact that it keeps taking increments of time when certain news was available and taking polls after the news was reported, then when new news came out they claim Americans had a misperception about everything you listed when that is not the case.  I also like how the poll claims Fox News as being the ring leader in this misperception claim when all of the major US news outlets along with most international news reports were reporting the exact same thing in regards to news coming out of Iraq.  You can\'t even name an instance where Fox News has solely and purposely misreported news.  If you want to see that look up CBS News.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2005, 01:47:28 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
If Al Jazeera DIDN\'T give them air time, where the hell would we be? If anything they are doing us a favor by letting the whole world know exactly what to expect, who to attack and who to look for. Al Jazeera might be viewed as a tool for that reason but your accusations are mere assumptions about how the terrorist feel about Al Jazeera. In fact, alot of terrorist groups call for the end of Al Jazeera because they believe they are supporting the west.

Oh, come on. Do you really think they\'re airing these for OUR benefit? Well, considering what your aims are, maybe you really do.

Liberals are trying to divide and polarize this nation?
Is there a FoxNews report I can watch so I can have pictures to go along with the rest of your "opinion"?

Probably. You really don\'t need pictures on a TV though, because you\'re acting it out in your own life. Why watch it on TV when you have something as valuable as first-hand experience?

I don\'t ever recall fighting for a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abortion or trying to privatize Social Security. I don\'t ever see Bush trying to reach to the Democrats only to those that "support our goals" D\'uh, you don\'t need to reach out to those that already support you!!

Those are common-sense initiatives. You people fight them with wild, zany zeal because you people want to undermine our society as much as possible, thus, your divisive tactics.

And the rest of your post. Nothing but right-wing dribble with no solid basis behind it. About the protesters, how else are we supposed to expose or show the world our position? We have no power anywhere else, this four years are Republican heaven.

Here\'s a thought: Grow the hell up. Children protest everything they don\'t like, and so do liberals. You people protest just for the sake of protesting, and while you aren\'t changing anything, you are proving the annoyance factor of stupid people in numbers.

There are problems out there, but liberals never offer solutions. They just complain about the problems and find someone to blame, be it Christians, Jews, gun-owners, or white people in general. Protests are worthless unless there is some sort of intellectual movement behind them. The trouble is, liberals have no answers for anything, so they cover up their ineptitude like all stupid people do: by being loud, obnoxious assholes and doing it where everyone will see you.

I don\'t despise a capitalist nation. That is a very opinion slanted assumption. So, could you just stop with your barrage of made up accusations?

Not until you show me a reason to believe otherwise. Simply saying so isn\'t enough, considering your opinions when they are less-carefully bridled.

I would despise a Christian controlled nation. Say bye-bye to common sense.

Liberals dispise Christians in general. All the while embracing radical Muslims and their aims. I don\'t get it.

American\'s enemies wished for John Kerry to win? Are you talking about Osama saying something along the lines off:

Doesn\'t matter who your president is. It\'s your foreign policy. You\'re all still full of shit.

I don\'t see how that is supporting a Democrat. Besides, would you really trust this guy to tell the truth. Maybe he wants GWB to win because he knows that GWB\'s actions have helped him out by spreading anti-Americanism throught the world.

That\'s just retarded, and the sad thing is that you actually believe it. You think what Osama really wants is soldiers to kill? No. He wants to bring western society, and America in particular, to ruin. And nothing will help him achieve his goal faster than weakening us from the inside with the brand socialist liberal cancer John Kerry would undoubtedly have affected us with.

I perform activities that help them? I\'m sorry for using my right of freedom of speech!

It is a right that is often abused. You people use \'free speech\' to harm the nation that embodies it. Sometimes I would love for the Sedition Acts to be reinstated in wartime.

Yes, remind me later to send them some new AK\'s so that they can shoot down our soldiers. Wait, they don\'t need them, all they do is strap some C-4 and blow themselves up.

If liberals were honest enough to drop their pretenses, they\'d be strapping on the explosives right next to them.
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2005, 03:03:13 PM »
From what I saw it was pretty fair coverage for both candidates. They didn\'t show all of Bush\'s speeches, just as they didn\'t show all of Kerry\'s.

Still, a lot of people on other English forums were pissed off about it. Also hearing the constant mockering of democrats does not make anything better (what was it, Kerry looking French, Kerry being a snob? What does that have to do with anything on a serious news station?).

What has Fox News ignored that was bad in Iraq? What event did they not report on that was reported by other news sources?

Perhaps not ignoring as much, but giving certain negative news lesser time on the air, making the whole situation looking better than it really is, spinning. You say I live in a dream world, then what is Fox creating with its reporting?

Don\'t know why they were closed? I thought you were an informed person who claims to read Al Jazeera\'s website on a regular basis?

I do, but I cant remember any specific news post about it.
Looking at Wikipedia though I have found among other things them being banned from reporting on government activities in Iraq since 2003 for airing messages from the Iraqi resistance. Also banned in Bahrain for being pro-israel. Also it has been criticized by Muslims for giving Israelis air time.


Another typical "I am European and therefore I am intellectually superior to you" response. Look at what you claim... you say you read:

Always the EU vs US with you?

Adding all of that up - it looks like your have a heavy left leaning slant to the news you get. The sad fact is, you are no more open minded than I am. So much for your claim that you get news from all sources and then find the truth somewhere in the middle. You find the truth where you want to find it - in the left leaning media you read 4 times as much as you do right leaning media.

Im sorry I cant make the figures 50/50, but those are the news sources I trust. I don’t understand how you can think you know how I think and what kind of stance I take on the news based on the little I write on these forums?
Btw news.yahoo.com has lots of different sources, Routers being one but also AP. They also collect links from outside sources, like the Washington post, USATODAY, Chicago Tribune, and so on, just look at the main page.

The study is irrelevant for the fact that it keeps taking increments of time when certain news was available and taking polls after the news was reported, then when new news came out they claim Americans had a misperception about everything you listed when that is not the case.

Really? Weird that no one else has reacted to this?

Did you read the full report? When was it said that WMD had been found? It was never said, ignoring the false alarms Fox News always reported on which were cleared up usually within a few days, or did Fox “forget” to report this, thus leading to the Fox viewer thinking weapons had been found? They took polls at different time periods, all is shown in the PDF file I linked to earlier.

World favour, the world was never in favour of the attack, how this can have been reported in a positive way I don’t know, only the spin doctors can.
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-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

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« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2005, 04:43:46 PM »
Originally posted by fastson

Always the EU vs US with you?

Thats not what he said at all.


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