I was jsut wondering today why post election that even though the voter turn out was very high even with the risk of death, some people still believe we are forcing our views on these people in Iraq. If anything it is the terroritst and rebels there that try to impose thier views with death threats. I think that some people just have to give up their argument in some points and admit their wrong. Also some people blame our government for being selfish and not caring about others, but than we are the only ones to lose thousands of lives to bring freedom to other people.( I know some people are gonna say "Just wait and see what the goernment gets out of this" to that last sentance) I mean we have a very stong country militarialry(sp?). politically and socially, but as soon as we put our nose into other peoples businesses were just big bullies who are pushing other smaller countries around.
Also I\'m sick of everyone complaining about the government and the way we live our lives, because I\'d absolutley love to see some people go to a third world country and live there for a while, than come back and tell everyone how much they love their life here. I just think some people here (America), including myself, don\'t realize how easy we have it. I could be wrong, but it\'s just that I constantly hear the people who are consistantly opposing the way are country is going, even though that same government is one of the reasons why they can live so comfortably at home. Anyone in the world who doesn\'t have that freedom would die to have it, and the people who voted in Iraq showed that by risking their lives. I know I don\'t truley realize what I have, and I don\'t think I possibly could (and this goes for the rest of you as well) unless I have lived in conditions where I can\'t live as I do here.
Just writing how I felt, wasn\'t aiming anything I said at anyone in particular, more of the America peoples.