I thought it was just us until i went to the uber nice theater that i usually go to now and man was i wrong. There were these stupid ass girls in front of me that i just wanted to choke out because they would not shut the f*** up. It was a really big movie too and i think i ended up kicking their chairs. I dont remember. I guess my theory on going to the whitest theater ended up not working out too well.
Acutally, the theater seems to be flooded with ghetto ass kids recently and the change was like an epidemic and it happened so fast. Im talking about super suburban, richy theater that is being literally overrun. Dont get me wrong, I love my people like anybody else but i go there to escape the ghettoplex. All my friends (3 black guys and a cuban jew) agree that the change in demographic is just sad among other things. At least most of the movies ive seen there have had little to no side commentary. One thing though is that the place is left a mess.
At the local ghettoplex it happens sometimes and then it doesnt others but i know how you feel man. There have been a couple of times where everybody was yelling at the screen. When i saw SAW it was more of a collective yelling and i guess i feel bad for those people that werent into it but 90% of the people were saying something and in a way it made the movie better but such experiences are few and far between.
Sorry for the tirade/rant w/e.