Originally posted by CHIZZY
Winner of the most ignorant post award! If you think that racism doesn\'t bother white people, then you\'re an idiot. Saying that words like "honkey" "excite laughter" (whatever the f*ck that means) just shows that you are racist. What if I said "nigger" isn\'t so bad, and it "excited" laughter from me? White-dominated society, huh? Interesting. Sounds like victim mentality to me.
I think you have already won that award buddy. The word "nigger" that you like to throw around so freely is a word that throughout history has been used to defame, destory, and hinder black people. And without any regard for decency you let words like that just roll off your tongue.
And the fact that you were on this forum calling black folks "niggers and "monkeys" and nobody but the black members on this forum seem to be the only one\'s concerned about it.
I don\'t use the words "honkey and Cracker" to descirbe people who are white because I have respect for human life. Even though I feel those words don\'t carry the same weight as words used to describe African Americans. Majority of white people that you ask about the words are not even bothered by it. Simply because white people have never been oppressed and brought down by the terms. The terms have know historical value at all. And since this is a white dominated society only their perceptions will matter.
You are trying to say nigga and nigger are not the same word? You have to be kidding me...
Yes they do have different meanings. They may not seem different to you because you are on the outside looking in. And you really don\'t understand black culture.