Okay, let\'s look at what the PC is doing right now, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 as examples. Those can\'t be done as they are meant to be on the current consoles. Recently we have seen the amazing graphic capabilities of the Unreal Engine 3...you guys don\'t want some of that?
If it was only about the gameplay then we\'d still be playing our our 32-bit systems. That\'s not the case, people got excited over the prospect of better visuals and cheerfully moved into the next gen. It\'s a natural progression.
Its funny that despite that the PS2 is selling as well if not better than the more powerful XBOX and GC they judge it just by the graphics.The games overall are top notch.
Let me guess, you just read the quotes I supplied instead of reading the whole article?
All of those people, even the people claiming the PS2 is starting to show its age, say that the system has great games. The gameplay is less of an issue, the graphic ambitions of the developers are outgrowing the systems. GTA:SA is a perfect example, fun to play but the graphics leave something to be desired. How many of you would object to a better looking GTA? None? Thought so.
Also they want the PS3 to be released sooner just to get the "oh godly graphics" sooner because they are bored of PS2\'s graphics.Yeah lets rush it shall we?Lets not delay the PS3. Sony shouldnt release it when they believe its the right time to ensure success.Right?We dont care how well it will do and what it will offer.We just care about the good graphics in the short term.Right?
Now I know you didn\'t read the article. They specifically say that the PS3 is not needed at this very point and time, however they do say that 2006 sounds about right.
With the power of the new systems they\'ll be able to handle the ambitions of developers like Rockstar and Polyphony. You probably won\'t hear them bitch about upgrading. More horsepower equates to more headroom for the developers...and you object?
Lets kill it like the DC
lol, Sega had so many other problems that led to the demise of the DC. Launching with the PS2 in the horizon was but one of many pieces.
but all those editors talk about it how graphics will be shown on xbox2 and make everyone come to play it instead of ps2
which is not true - they may flock to xbox for merely fact that one its new - and its the next console - but as wel know graphics are nothing without the gameplay - least for more then just casual gamers
People will upgrade for better graphics, how else do you explain the rockstar launch of the PS2? You think that had to do with gameplay? Tell me what PS2 launch game possesed the gameplay that justified a mob of people upgrading, in your opinion...
Now, I don\'t think everyone will jump on the MS wagon just because it\'s out first. People know Nintendo and Sony are coming and I have no doubt a majority will wait to see what they have to offer.
I think it\'s time.