I can\'t help the fact that Uni can barely speak english and has no common sense.
I can\'t help the fact that MM is blind to most common things.
The HD was a failure. Remind me again how many sold? Right. Not a lot. Remind me again of the support it had? Right. Not a lot. Failure. If you compare the amount sold to the PS2 userbase, it was a friggin\' failure. Not sure why that is hard for you to grasp.
As for Sony wanting Square so they released the HD, bullshit. You know as well as I do, Sony could of told Square no and Square would of stayed, simply due to the large PS2 userbase. Sony went ahead and released an add-on that would never sell and they knew it. Square never forced them, as you two would make it seem.
And I\'m sorry, but Square games are simply some of the most over-rated pieces of crap. They go right along with MGS on the whole cinema over gameplay. Old Square = good. Anything new Square = complete shit, \'cept for Tobal 1 & Tobal 2, those are the two exceptions.
Then again, I\'m not sure why any of you would even try and defend Sony\'s HD add-on. It was a diaster on all accounts.
Sony\'s HD is as half-baked as their online plans this generation. No real goal on either accounts.
And as for the Jaguar CD / 32X comment. You know what, the only thing that seperates it from those add-ons? Marketing. Sony knew the HD had no userbase, so they never bothered to market. If they would of marketed it, it would of been just a big failure and just as noticed.
As for the Eyetoy , no it\'s not a failure. It\'s just a gimmicky piece ole\' crap. May as well dig out a Super Scope, while we are at the gimmicks.