Originally posted by Unicron!
I am not going to spend time trying to find the link that was posted a year ago.I wont try to convince you.But its a fact.Although it is indeed irreleant to the reason why PS2 doesnt have one while the XBOX has
Then don\'t even think about bringing it in to the arguement.
You seem to be quotimg me just to prove me wrong not to discuss.You ignore what followed previously in the discussion.This is the explanation to why it didnt "bomb"
But it did "bomb". They are no longer supporting it. The new PSTwo is not compatible with it.
Because there wasnt big amounts of money and time spent to support an accessory.Its there for FF11.You said it by yourself.There was nothing to risk.
You\'re still missing it. I don\'t care about the financial situation of Sony when they released the HDD. It doesn\'t matter. They released it for one game, and that\'s what I can\'t understand. Then again...
looks at my Samba De Amigo maracasYou are comparing them as if Sony\'s intentions and procedures with the HD were the same as MS\'s now.
Bingo. Why else release an HD unless you\'re going to use for the massive storage it offers? I highly doubt FFXI did enough with it to justify what, a 40 gig HD? It was a wasted and unnecessary venture on Sony\'s part, and that\'s because they didn\'t have any plans outside of FFXI.
Well DUH DUH thats exactly what I ve been saying with the difference that the financial state IS RELEVANT!
The finances still don\'t matter. I\'m not discussing this with you, stop bringing it up.
You are saying what I said just to argue with me only with different words.
Perhaps if I could understand what you are saying then we wouldn\'t be here. I\'ll make a mental note to avoid you in the future.
About the 70 million in dept you mentioned though is way too general.You ommit the fact that MS has already done their online service while LOSING profits thanks to XBOX but Sony is making future plans expecting to GAIN profits from the service and the next PS.Is the 70 million in dept thanks to PS2?No.
This move only shows that they are having positive expectations that they will gain from it and help their situation when its put into action.
How is that relevant?
Otherwise they would have risked and released an online service with the PS2 already to compete MS and make longer long term plans just like MS despite that this would have caused losses to them
They\'re going to experience loss anyway. You think it\'s cheap to set up an online service?
I\'m going to suggest you and I stop. We\'re not getting anywhere and I\'ve grown tired of trying to figure out what it is you\'re getting at.