Forget the tflop nonsense.
Simple facts:
- CELL has roughly double the floating point performance of Xbox360\'s 3-core setup.
- The PS3 has a much higher transistor count than Xbox360
- Yes, that also holds through when comparing both GPUs that Nvidia\'s part has more transistors and a higher clockspeed.
I am not sure yet, how different they are, the GPUs, but from what we know TODAY, it seems Nvidia\'s part is more "powerful" given its higher transitor budget coppled with the higher clock. The only thing that\'s not clear is the bandwidth advantage of ATi\'s part thanks to eDRAM.
Not sure though if the bus is 256GBytes/sec or indeed "only" 64GBytes. Unfortunately there are many sites that just can\'t get the little b for bits and the big B for bytes right. I\'m not sure, but I\'m assuming it\'s 64GBytes/sec. Note though that it\'s only 10 MB of eDram there that is just for the framebuffer. How this advantage turns out, we\'ll see in given time.