Originally posted by GigaShadow
That article was nothing more than an attack on the Bush Administration that caused unnecessary deaths.
With no valid sources the article shouldn\'t have been printed. This is how desperate and hateful the left has become - fabricating stories in order to damage Bush. These journalists are so eager to report negative things about the US government that they are not even checking sources or facts anymore.
Alright, well if you want to talk about the credentials the press had in going ahead with this story then why was the article reviewed by the Pentagon before it was printed, given the go-ahead, and then only questioned 10 days after it was published?
If you want to talk conspiracy of the "left-wing" media, then what about the opposite side? Couldn\'t this just be another case of the administration cracking down and smearing the press to create a distrust in the only access the people have to their governments and deconstruct the watchdog effect of modern media?
I\'m not validating either of these debates, just bringing them up. I think you are simply grazing over this issue, taking it at face value.
was sloppy journalism. It
was sloppy handling by the Pentagon. But what it wasn\'t was a conniving and intentional attempt by the news media to "attack" the Bush administration (By the way Giga, I like how you capitalize Bush Administration...how godly.)
I\'m sick of criticism that modern news media is "liberal." What I think you and others who criticize today\'s newspapers for having a left-leaning slant need to understand is that newspapers are not intentionally trying to appear liberal, they are trying to be critical. That is on of the media\'s jobs -- to pick out what is wrong and what is corrupt in our government ...or in this case of Newsweek, at least try.
Newsweek did make a mistake but I do not believe it was aimed at starting violence nor was it an attack on the Repulican administration. Hell, one of the authors, Michael Isikoff, was crucial in investigating MonicaGate.
I\'d rather have a media "watch-dog" helping me understand and offer critisms of my government than pushing propaganda through my television screens.