I just checked out the Revolution and for what we know now, wireless controllers, Legend of Zelda, online, backwards with GCN, downloadable N64, NES, SNES... I like it.
And they\'re still holding onto the controller.
Sony and Micrsoft are talking about being ten to twenty times more powerful than the current systems. They\'re also full of shit.
Graphics so far are unimpressive compared to current high-end stuff like the Resident Evil 4s ( on the underpowered Nintendo system :rolleyes: ). The real improvements will come in physics and lighting and background detail and such.
The three platforms will be competitive, just like they are now, even tho it\'s clear which one(s) are more powerful.
Xbox needed an add-on to play DVDs, too. Wonder how much Nintendo\'s will cost....
Heh, it\'ll be worth it if the PS3 is as good a DVD player as PS2 was. ;]
//hasn\'t checked out Xbox 360 yet