Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
Unicorn, k.
You go have your pussy-ass non-gun country.
Then when they start marginalizing you because your ideas of enforced-saftey differ, don\'t come to our country and start bitchen. We totally won\'t let you in.
First of all there are also many other countries with lots of crime yet guns are not legalized.
The enforced-safety statement is just an excuse for many.
How many of you actually used a gun to protect yourselves?
There should have been more and strictier bureaucracy to the procedures for gaining permission to own a gun.
And there should have been strict law that guns if indeed bought for safety reasons should NOT be used at all except in case of need.
That man actually should have been penalized for using a gun in such place
Originally posted by Jar O Pickles
unicron every statement youve just made u can replace guns with cars and it would hold true
the inteded purpose is irelevent
guns were made to kill cars were made for transportation yet cars kill way more people than guns do
ban what ever you want countries will still fight wars and morons will still kill people
The intended purpose is completely relevant.
Take cars away the whole society brakes.
Take guns away the difference is hardly felt.
You dont have the slightest sense of how dangerous a gun is compared to a car which almost anyone uses at a 24h base yet drivers to accident ratio is extremly small.
The permission and "ease" at owning a gun diminishes the sense of responsibility and of seriousness for it.
Some statements in these forums are proof of that and especially the incident were the man was actually practicing gun shooting with people around yet he wont be penalized.
The law is not strict enough.