Originally posted by GigaShadow
Sure I care about Muslims. I care about them killing innocent people in the Western world. I wonder would what you would be saying if this were say WW2? Would you be defending the Germans and the Japanese?
I love how you try to sidestep the issue of innocent Muslims. And yes, I would defend Germans and Japanese just as many Protestant denominations in the West Coast did during WWII. War does not turn my friends into spies overnight. Hopefully, the same goes for you.
You forget Christianity played a major role in the development of this country and you can not argue that even though we have seperation of Church and State, that the US is by and large a Christian nation. For all practical purposes it is the native religion of this country. Islam is not. Please stop comparing the two. As for these extremists - few and far between.
Stop trying to change the topic. I never commented on the separation of Church and State or the religious character of the United States. I will state my point again ?Christianity and Islam both have extremists. They are few and far between for both religions but equally dangerous. Clear?
Yes! I’m right about you!
You speak as if McCarthyism was a bad thing. Actually it did weed out a lot of Communists in the beginning, but then old Joe\'s alcoholism got the best of him.
Heh. The things you’ll do to prove your point.
I can see the fire I am going to draw from my next statement...
I have no problems with what the US government did to the Japanese in this country after Pearl Harbor and for the remainder of WW2. So quite a number were innocent - by rounding them all up our country could devote resources to the war instead of tryiing to find out who was a good Japanese as opposed to who was a bad one. It certainly worked as there was no Japanese spying after the fact.
Well, here comes the fire!
?B] A 1941 report prepared on President Roosevelt\'s orders by Curtis B. Munson, special representative of the State Department, concluded that most Japanese nationals and "90 to 98 percent" of Japanese American citizens were loyal.[/B] He wrote: "There is no Japanese `problem\' on the Coast ... There is far more danger from Communists and people of the Bridges type on the Coast than there is from Japanese."??Google the source if you’d like. I don’t have it, as it’s from a research paper I did for school.
“The most serious discrimination during World War II was the decision to evacuate Japanese nationals and American citizens of Japanese descent from the West Coast and send them to internment camps.
Because the FBI had arrested the individuals whom it considered security threats, FBI Director Hoover took the position that confining others was unnecessary.?-
http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fbi/fbi_hist.htm#world “Most of the 110,000 persons removed for reasons of \'national security\' were school-age children, infants and young adults not yet of voting age.?-
http://www.pbs.org/childofcamp/history/“At the time, Executive Order 9066 was justified as a "military necessity" to protect against domestic espionage and sabotage. However, it was later documented that
"our government had in its possession proof that not one Japanese American, citizen or not, had engaged in espionage, not one had committed any act of sabotage." (Michi Weglyn, 1976).
Rather, the causes for this unprecedented action in American history, according to the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, "
were motivated largely by racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a failure of political leadership."
http://www.pbs.org/childofcamp/history/But all of that can be said do be subjective. Here’s the clincher:
“In early 1944, the government began clearing individuals to return to the West Coast; on January 2, 1945, the exclusion order was rescinded entirely.
The fact that this occurred long before the Japanese surrender, while the war was arguably at its most vicious, weighs heavily against the claim that the relocation was an essential security measure.?
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_internment
Perhaps you’d like to explain again the logical soundness of internment? Maybe the government thought the horrendous conditions of the camps put the fear of God into the Japanese.
You disappoint me, Giga. If you were glad about how the Japanese were treated for the “remainder of WWII,?then you should also be against the deportation of Muslims. You know, since the Japanese, with their “spies?and all, were returned long before the war ended. Check on your facts next time before you speak; you clearly thought that they were interned for the entire war. Seems like war hysteria’s getting the better of you.
Honestly, I am done with this worn out topic. None of us know what will happen next, but I hope I don\'t have to say I told you so. I also have to wonder about any white person that converts to a barbaric religion such as Islam... John Walker Lindh comes to mind...
Yes, I’m getting tired of this topic as well. I’m sure the other members are also tired of my dragging this thread out. But when you supply me with bigoted statements like “barbaric religion such as Islam,?I become rejuvenated.
A long time ago I felt sympathy for Muslims who were trying to get back Palestine and in other parts of the world. That died on 9/11. [/B]
Yes, and your ability to reason died with it.