Originally posted by Blade
I\'ll make my point, and I\'ll make it bluntly.
When I first saw it, I was very skeptical.
After hearing of its demonstrations and uses, I\'m somewhat hyped.
Frankly I can\'t wait to try it out.
Best case scenario for Nintendo is that it actually DOES intrigue non/ex-gamers. Giving them a significant boost in marketshare.
Iwata talked about MUCH cheaper development in his keynote and that is a BIG point of emphasis. This is a business, afterall and many developers could make a Revolution game or two just to test the waters. If I\'m a bug time publisher dropping $20 million and using 100+ people to make my latest X360/PS3 game, I am definately intrigued by the prospect of spending a fraction of that with a fraction of the manpower to make a game on Nintendo\'s latest.
No one expected the PSX to dominate the N64 last generation and I really wouldn\'t be surprised if I heard that five years from now the Nintendo "Revolution" was a smash hit. With the right software and marketing they could be sitting on a monster with the potential of greatly expanding the console gaming market.