Here is one for you. List a cd and / or a song that makes you think of a time in your life or specfic moment.
I\'ll start and give examples.
1: The Killers (Hot Fuss) - This time last year, my now fiance and I listened to this all the time. If for no other reason, because it\'s the only thing we could agree on music wise. So anytime I hear this cd, I think of a year ago, before she was pregnant and everything was "fresh and new".
2: Depeche Mode (Music for the Masses & Ultra) - I wore both cds out back in \'00 / \'01. I was constantly depressed as any teenager is and when it seemed everything was goin\' wrong, both cds gave me some kind of depressing comfort. Songs like \'Never Let me Down\', \'Barrel of a Gun\' and \'Useless\' took everything I felt and put it to music.
3: Any old Motown - My father and I wasn\'t close when I was growing up, but I do remember his apperciation for old motown. To this day, I can\'t help but enjoy some Temptations or Four Tops.
4: A Perfect Circle (Vanishing) - I remember Capcom and I goin\' to see APC in concert late November of \'03. When this song came out it set the tone for a great weekend, one of the best of my life. Everything was perfect that night, as far as tone and setting went. The next day, I went ahead and done something I always wanted to do and that was skydiving. To this day, if I need to get pumped up I listen to \'Vanishing\'.