if god really exist, then he shouldn\'t force people to believe in him, except that to let people live freely just as long as they don\'t hurt themselves or other.
so, if god does really exist and he punish people simply because they don\'t believe in him. Then that\'s lame. As long as they don\'t do anything mean or cruel or whatever, why punish them? it\'s not a crime if you don\'t go to church, just as long as you have a good heart. why bother going to church? Just so you can "believe" in him and donate money to earn his trust? what kind of god is that?
Nevermind...hopefully i didn\'t say anything bad...*me runs and hide*
who said anything about forcing you to believe in him?..you have your own free will to believe in him,..it\'s the people or extremists that try to force it on you...for those that do not believe in him, but have a good heart, i believe that they will know the truth when the time is right,..that\'s just what i think tho...i go to church,..but not because i\'m bein forced, but because i want to go and try to learn more about him...but you can\'t put all of your faith into the preist,..it kills me how people are devastated when they find out the preacher is gay,..or he\'s done something unheard of,...these people are only human,...and i don\'t understand why so many follow the pope like he\'s sometype of prophet...people actually pass out when they meet him :rolleyes:
but i guess the best way to learn about him is not to let somebody else tell you,..just grab a bible and read it from front to back...