I don\'t have to sugarcoat anything. There are conflicting reports going around everywhere and FACT is that the only numbers coming from Microsoft is what I provided you with. I won\'t deny the shortage because it\'s just that, a shortage. It\'s not the best situation to be in but it\'s certainly not an arguement to say the 360 is doomed or anything of that nature. Sony pulled through just fine with the PS2. If the PS2 launch is any indication of what a shortage can do then we\'ll see the Xbox 360 as a hot item and people snatching them up as they come in. Will that happen? I can\'t say for sure, but it\'s certainly a possibility.
I really can\'t believe you would take some EB drone\'s guesstimate as supporting evidence. Even worse is that you\'re hanging on to it. You\'re as much an ass as ever, and you make this place a dump. I don\'t know why I came back today but you\'ve provided me enough reason to just call it quits again. You\'re an ass, and a really stupid one to boot.