Feel free to bring anything to this one, from a variety of sources! I guess you should still try to respond to earlier posts though
The StoryThis young woman attending university and sued by the RIAA was given her options. They suggested she either see them in court, to face tens of thousands in fines, or pay a 4K settlement. Of course, to pay the settlement, since she doesn\'t have the money, they recomended she \'drop out of school\'. Really.
anotherThe music industry launched 2000 lawsuits in 18 countries of Europe on the fourth. Apparantly they\'ve decided that this works, and every country that has laws where a challenge would be more \'difficult\' is getting filed in. Notice that they haven\'t filed suit in France (where the current climate is very anti-copyright), or Canada yet (because of the ruling of the Canadian copyright board, saying that we paid for piracy through media-taxation)? I\'m sure they\'ll get around to those countries eventually, but it\'s going to take someone risking big fines (and short-term incarceration) in a few of these countries standing up and fighting this in court, AND WINNING, to make these suits dissapear. They must be chortling with glee over this new money making opportunity.
Frankly, they can probably make more by suing... make a fake site with X number of songs, track the downloaders, sue every one for 5-15 k settlements. Talk about your big profit margins per song, even with the lawyer\'s fees involved!