I do what\'s best for me the way I choose to do it. I also raise my middle finger to those who dis-approve... I DON\'T CARE.
Well, since you know you\'re breaking the law when you do it, and apparanly show little remorse for it, I\'m just glad you don\'t live anywhere near me. You\'re *probably* only breaking the law where you can easily get away with it (online), but hell, maybe you defraud senior citizens as a day job cause it\'s easy to do and "best" for you. The law is the law.
Could someone whine about the shill bidding ANYMORE?
Well, it seems that if you can\'t actually defend something illegal with arguements, be they on virtue of morals (almost impossible), justification (difficult, and subjective), or anything, you are going to just rely on namecalling. Looks pretty dumb though, when somone who bothers to understand the issue looks at your reply. Don\'t worry about it though, you clearly aren\'t going to ever understand the issue since you clearly just don\'t want to know.