Wii is no more experimental than N64 was with its analog controller. It takes normal control and gives it three dimensional depth.
This comes at the cost of alienating you (though I suspect you\'ll actually buy one), but with the chance at getting a few people who wouldn\'t normally get a second console (its half the cost, after all... probably) as well as a couple more who might not have bought a system at all.
Silly name aside, Nintendo is doing a lot of things right with Wii.
For all the praise a keyboard and mouse set up gets, Wii will emulate that, but also allowing you to move the mouse upward or on angle. It is also a lightgun by function.
Just like with the DS, there will be gimmicky uses for it, but for every gimmick, there\'s the chance for an inspiring, innovative idea. Which is why DS, despite its "gimmicks" is the best handheld system available at the moment.
Look at it, an online system with unique controls and a larger library with backwards compatibility. That\'s Wii.
And uni, it\'s hard to take you seriously asking someone to be more mature when you just got done typing hem..."Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yaaaaay youpiiiiii" ;]