Yes, it\'s my opinion that the public won\'t care about it. So wtf is your problem? It\'s clear that your opinion is that the Wii will rule the world and will solve world hunger. I don\'t crucify you for that. This is a message board, I\'m pretty sure this is where my opinion goes. By that truly fucked up logic, every sentence on this form not prefaced with IMO, if a statement of fact.
In Blu-Ray\'s case, it\'ll be used for more CGI cut scenes and most importantly, it\'ll be used as a trojan horse for Sony in the HD battle, nothing more.
omg, everyone check it out, LiC has got a time machine, because this is fact. I can tell this by the structure of his sentence and because he likes Nintendo--it is these two properties that make time travel possible as outlined by Steven Hawking\'s seminal, "A Brief History of Time".
You\'re a clown.
Lets discuss about games please?
Yes, can we, LiC, please?