I\'m not a big fan of Superman and I\'ve NEVER watched any of the old ones. The friend I watched it with is a huge fan though and he said it pretty much resembled the original...as in the way the cast acted.
You don\'t deserve to own a TV or DVD player if you have never watched the Richard Donner classic.
With that said.. The main problem with the film is Luthor\'s plot for beach-front property was the SAME EXACT plot , just ten times bigger. That\'s all really. Not to mention the kid...
Superman slept with Lois Lane as Clark Kent, in the FoS during Superman II. He then gave her a \'Super-Kiss\', to make her forget. Now she ends up pregnant, right around the time she apparently started dating Richard White. She never suspects Clark is Superman when he returns, in well, Superman Returns...Until the kid does some big act and she realizes, hey, it\'s Superman\'s kid! HELLO? She was raped!
Brandon Routh is SUPERMAN. He brought something to the role even Reeve didn\'t bring, a certain badass quality. Much like Bale done with in Batman Begins.