Eik is right. It\'s not that the PSP sucks, or is even bad. It\'s just a disappointment from a company that thought they were invincible. Perhaps if it debuted at a different time in gaming history, it would be more heralded. We will never know.
When you introduce the DS (especially the DS Lite) into the picture, it becomes even more disappointing. I\'m with Tycho from Penny-Arcade all the way with my interpretation of the situation: in April 2005, I thought the handheld battle was over. I thought that the DS was a noble but misguided attempt at innovation (based on its weak library and gimmicky titles) and that the PSP would easily overtake it in worldwide sales and high-profile game releases by the end of 2005. Cut to July 2006, and I have been proven very, very wrong.
In fact, the very next month (May 2005) Kirby: Canvas Curse came out and frankly the DS never looked back after that. Now then, on to specifics.
Instead of talking bs, and throwing things in the air leaving things open to interpretation. Say what you’re "trying" to say and stop talking shit.
I don\'t talk shit. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. Sometimes I make it blunt, and sometimes I don\'t. We\'re all adults here, right? I figure I have some room to make pop culture references, use metaphors, and fire off innuendos in this discussion. My problem is that I sometimes hinge an argument on one word and it\'s one that people\'s brains overlook, for some reason. Scientists say that the human eye catches a lot less than you\'d expect upon first glance. Have you ever been asked by a friend to grab an item off a shelf, and been playfully scolded when you couldn\'t find it... but it was "right in front of you" the whole time? Same principle.
The following is in response to this quote:
Near polar opposite of N64? and i wouldn\'t compare GC/DS games to ps2, you won\'t win.
"GCN" stands for Nintendo GameCube. "N64" stands for Nintendo 64. I said "near polar opposite of GCN" but I could have easily slotted N64 in there instead. Why? My point was that the DS\' bread-and-butter games (for the most part, so "
near polar opposite") aren\'t available on either GCN or N64. Animal Crossing is, Mario Kart is. These games support your argument, my friend. They also support
mine. Mario Kart DS and AC:WW are actually better than their GCN counterparts, minus the graphical edge that the home console provides.
Curious. What do you mean by "don\'t compare GCN games to PS2 games"?
I\'m just wondering what you\'re gonna say when nintendo release a handheld on the same level as GC.
What would I say? It\'s hard to tell at this point. If it\'s laden with the same issues that the PSP has, I\'m not going to be ga-ga over it. Earlier in this post I told you that I was enthralled with the PSP at launch and ho-hum over the DS. I quickly changed my tune of course, and saw how much of a sap I\'d been to grab a $249 handheld at launch.
What Sony did wrong (and I assume that Nintendo will do right, if anything) is release the next handheld when the technology is there to support it. People whined that the GBA was 10 years behind in technology. They said the DS was 8 years behind. When the dust settled, it became clear that Nintendo had taken the correct route. Sony jumped out of the gate with a system that, when compared with the DS, is certainly stronger. A system that needed its powerful 333MHz CPU underclocked from launch just to last more than an hour or two on the road.
A system that despite a neat format (UMD) still struggles from difficult-to-stomach loadtimes. I\'m not even going to approach the UMD-Movie fiasco. When I saw that you could buy only the 2-part Pilot of LOST on UMD for upwards of $14.99 (where as the full 25-episode season complete with extras on DVD was $~34.99~) I laughed out loud in the store.
Thankfully for Sony, the PSP is upgradable. I\'m really proud of them for making the battery easily removable, for instance. I cited things like that as the reason I bought it. I knew it\'d last. I still think it\'ll last, it\'s a Playstation for Christ\'s sake. I just find it sad that only one or two games between Hot Shots Golf and Loco Roco had me salivating. One of them was Mercury, the other was Exit. GTA:LCS looked great, but I haven\'t even opened my copy of SA.
Tekken Resurrection is not a ps2 game. Tekken 5 is. Tekken Resurrection is a upgrade from tekken5
This is like saying that Street Fighter 2 Turbo is not a Street Fighter 2 game.
Tekken Resurrection is great, though, and we shouldn\'t knock it. Too bad the PSP\'s D-Pad sucks.