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Supposedly, they have video footage available (but aren\'t releasing it for obvious reasons) and it was an unprovoked attack. He was merely filming it from above, the stringray turned around and flicked it\'s tail upwards. Steve removed the barb himself and was taken to shore. He was dead by the time the ambulance arrived. On of only 3 other men in Australian history to be taken down by a \'ray.
Supposedly, they have video footage available (but aren\'t releasing it for obvious reasons)
Well your opinion is spurious at best. You\'re looking at what he has done through jaundiced eyes. Surely you haven\'t become too much of a mysanthrope to see how much utter and genuine good the man has done.I mean seriously.. you\'re worried about animals being annoyed? Particularly considering the vast amount of times he has wrestled with crocodiles, or captured any other number of beasts was to promote knowledge of said beasties. Or for it\'s immediate health and safety concerns. I\'ve been to his zoo several times, and they never just wrestle an animal for a bit o\' fun. Personally, I\'d much rather be annoyed slightly, then die as a direct result of having broken legs from boat motors and the like.His passion and love for animals was infectious, particularly to children, and he was genuinly entertaining, as well as informative about important issues. The amount of contributions he has made personally to conservationism, which were vast, surely pales in comparison to his indirect contributions.This post is by no means a personal attack on you. I just think your opinion of the man is ill-conceived. But you\'re welcome to have it.He probably could have done it far more tastefully. Nothing against the man, but I do think he was a bit simple in some respects. Naive would be a better word. He decided to do something that seemed very pertinent and necessary for his family in a public forum, which was a mistake. The dangling was just plain inappropriate and too Michael Jackon-esque.And yes, after all is said and done. He did have it coming to him. You can only defy death so many times before it catches up with you. Even with such a placid creature as a stingray. Supposedly, they have video footage available (but aren\'t releasing it for obvious reasons) and it was an unprovoked attack. He was merely filming it from above, the stringray turned around and flicked it\'s tail upwards. Steve removed the barb himself and was taken to shore. He was dead by the time the ambulance arrived. On of only 3 other men in Australian history to be taken down by a \'ray.
lic, please walk across a busy street several times today.something is bound to happen.
it should have been jeff corwin. At least Irwin was good comedy fodder.RIP, you insane bastard.
you know that the tiger did not attack Roy, right?it was an attempt to protect him like it would do for its own cubs.we\'re just alot more fragil then baby tigers.not that i\'ve ever seen a siegfriend and roy show, but they\'re hardly your typical carnies keeping animals in cages. those cats live better than most humans.